The AV Club may be flaky with good shows but you have to admire their devotion to publishing 1000 words every Sunday about how last night’s SNL was meh.
The AV Club may be flaky with good shows but you have to admire their devotion to publishing 1000 words every Sunday about how last night’s SNL was meh.
Tahmoh Penikett actually has had a pretty solid career, mostly on genre shows. Last I saw him was when he popped up on Altered Carbon (a show I had actually already forgotten about, although apparently Netflix is doing another season).
Actually, Grace Park, Daniel Dae Kim and Masi Oka quit Hawaii 5-0 2 years ago because they were tired of being paid pennies on the dollar compared to the white actors on the show. I quit with them, since being a Lost and BSG fan, they were the only reason I watched to begin with. I always found Scott Caan and Alex…
Eh he's on the council, but he really just phones it in.
He's too busy working for the Vampire Council to do movies now anyways.
Routh's Superman is the same one as Christopher Reeve's, no?
Good. It’s a crime that this guy isn’t already Superman 5 times over by now.
Seven-year-old me thought it was a reasonable question.
Trump supporters.
It’s certainly inferior to this movie, which uses excellent effects work to show the kids’ drastic physical alteration, while Dead Poets Society lazily tries to convey its characters’ change in size merely by having them stand on desks.
Should’ve gone to Amazon so we could’ve seen that eventual "Bosch” crossover.
citation needed
He’s portraying Trump. Half-assing your way through IS the role.
eh, it gave us Sean O’Neal’s best writing, the letter when he quit.
Somehow I suspect Lion King will make all of the money.
Well, my Summer Movie Wager bracket is truly fucked now.
He has! Good Times is, well, good times.
After the initial “WHAAAAT?” of the headline, I eventually settled on, “Yeah, I could see that.” We’ve been through enough superhero casting now that I’ve learned not to jump to the frothing, knee-jerk fanboy reaction immediately. We’ll see how it plays out in Reeves’s take.