
Bosch is really good. 

The only explanation I feel like I can come up with is that after the (jarringly easy) defeat of Cersei’s armies, there wasn’t anything standing between Dany and the the throne EXCEPT for Jon who she must believe will inevitably be crowned king by people who would prefer a local boy. So rather than taking her crew

I’ve watched it twice, the first time before the AV Club started going on about it.  It’s just as hilarious the second time through and Gift Receipt is hilarious.

I enjoy superhero movies like this where the stakes are serious, but not necessarily earth-shattering. I find ANT-MAN to be the most charming series inside the MCU and a welcome change of pace from everything else, which is always so ***BIG***. I’d happily recommend ANT-MAN 1-2 to any friends of mine who have zero MCU

Of the five or six Marvel movies I’ve seen, the funniest moment is when that Russian guy screams “Baba Yaga!” when the ghostly bad lady appears suddenly during Michael Pena’s interrogation.

Ant Man 3 will become a 5 bag of popcorn movie if both Tim and Gregg make it in and have a duel.

Hey! Mr. Heidecker was acquitted (through a mistrial) after putting up an earth-shattering courtroom defense. It was all the fault of Dr. San (R.I.P.).

Agreed. Series jumped the shark when they left out the deep character work of actors such as Gregg Turkington from the original Ant Man.

I really was enjoying this move until I saw Tim Heidecker. Disappointed in the producers for ignoring his crimes and casting him. Justice for the Electric Sun 20!

Marvel really knocked it out of the park when they cast Paul Rudd. Apart from anything else, they’ll never need to expensively de-age him with CGI for flashbacks since he’s a functional immortal who has looked exactly the same for the past 20 years.

Most of those films are good to great and he is awesome in them and they are full of huge talented actors and directed by skilled artists. Are you dumb or do I just not understand your point?

Jon Favreau probably deserves more credit for the tone and aesthetic of the franchise. A lot of Marvel’s “house style” shows up in Iron Man, especially the tossed-off zingers and the overtly “sunny” lighting and palette. Also shiny chrome - lots of shiny chrome. Even the much-ballyhooed “gritty” aesthetic of the

Meh. AV Club’s total 180 on Joss Whedon was pretty weak. After Whedon got caught cheating on his wife, AVC immediately started acting like they never liked him and how his female characters were actually all super duper sexist as if we weren’t celebrating Buffy Week 4 days earlier. If there was any specific moment

It’s kind of a special case given the format, but I’d argue that “MST3K” is in that rare category of shows that have never really had a poor episode.

Some are funnier or just have more energy than others, but any ep is reliably entertaining.

Oh it’s going somewhere, the synapses of next weeks episode is “The crew must contend with the disastrous fallout from Kelly’s decision.”

The Larry Sanders Show!

Chick-fil-a: You can really taste the misery!®

Mark Valley: Human Target. Although only Season 1 was good.

Ant-Man is a movie that is far better than it has any right to be, considering the prolonged production cycle, the change in directors, etc.