That’s just, like, your opinion man.
That’s just, like, your opinion man.
Or maybe just lazy. The fact that the two most-watched shows of 2018 were Big Bang Theory and NCIS speaks volumes.
I know, like 90% of the “mysteries” were explained at some point during the course of the show, but people need things to be explicitly detailed, because people are morons.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, with the goddamn polar bear already. Why is that always the default question when someone brings up all the things they missed on the show and/or didn’t bother looking up? I know this stuff isn’t obvious, but come on. It’s all been readily available online for nearly a decade.
Credit where credit’s due: that’s a damn good apology from Huffman. No weasel words or obfuscations, just straight-up, ‘I did this shitty thing, I was wrong to do it, and I deserve my comeuppance.’
The movie critic character giving out three or four of something, and then tacking on something random, is a pretty direct rip off of On Cinema. Like even the cadence is the exact same. Couldn’t believe it when I saw it.
I could not stop laughing at the video game sketch, especially when they started adding response options. “X: Get real with a bitch. A: No drama. B: Skip.” It was just so good.
The videogame sketch was one of the most inventive sketches SNL has done in a while. It’s the kind of thing that could have been on Key & Peele.
Random thoughts on three sketches:
Broad City and this show ending in a week’s span has been pretty rough.
That final scene of Jimmy and Gretchen, with him casually accepting the potential reality that she may end up committing suicide at some point and he’ll be able to move on in no time - all before chowing down on pancakes... I can’t think of a more disturbingly fitting ending than that. I mean, fuck. As far as series…
This post discusses plot elements of You’re The Worst’s season finale
Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves?
to reveal halfway through the movie that the unstoppable CGI baddie at its core was Jason Clarke’s John Connor
The only thing that would have made this better is if the big hand used it’s middle finger to push the button.
That man being everyone in the US that's been paying attention.
And costarring Clarke Peters as Morgan Freeman
“So I guess he was just using Dex as a sort of battering ram to get into Fisk’s penthouse? Which then only results in making Matt’s mission even harder because he has to stop Dex from killing Fisk while simultaneously trying to kill Fisk himself. It’s a clumsy way for the episode to get to the preordained endpoint of…
I’ll give it five bags of popcorn, and maybe.......maybe one of those GPS units, since they’re going on tour? So it will guide them on the road.
We’re obviously in different parts of the country, but I’m pretty much opposite on your list. I love the BK fries, and Hardee’s. I remember liking Jack in the Box, but it’s been maybe fifteen years since I lived near one. Five Guys feels like somebody is playing an enormous practical joke on me because I have no idea…