the real delight is a dazzlingly humane star turn by Devin Ratray, a longtime character actor usually relegated to minor comic-relief roles (half of the two oafish brothers in Nebraska is probably his best-known gig)
the real delight is a dazzlingly humane star turn by Devin Ratray, a longtime character actor usually relegated to minor comic-relief roles (half of the two oafish brothers in Nebraska is probably his best-known gig)
Devin Ratray, a longtime character actor usually relegated to minor comic-relief roles (half of the two oafish brothers in Nebraska Kevin’s older brother Buzz in Home Alone is probably his best-known gig)
I’m just speechless that this is actually a thing. Unreal.
Dear Av Club: do the right thing and bring back community grades.
I saw every movie up to and including TFA and played and read dozens of EU/movie games and novels. I haven’t read very many of the Dark Horse comics, so that’s my only big blindspot.
That is one issue here that the comics dealt with (relatively) quickly--in four comics you learn the answers to most of the questions here pretty fast. They’re sticking pretty closely to the plot (with some fleshing out, obviously) but suffice to say everything questioned here does get answers. I will say that,…
It’s an anthology show, each episode is a self-contained story, usually about technology and the way humanity abuses it and each other. The quality, of course, depends on the episode, but they’re usually good to amazing with only one or two episodes I would qualify as mediocre or bad.
Did anyone read the piece that Buzzfeed wrote on him? I thought it was really really unfairly mean to him. Privilege is definitely a topic that needs to be discussed, but there is so much awful Hollywood scum to rip apart, why target someone who is talented and by all accounts a genuinely nice person?
For MSTies, Thanksgiving is about Mitchell and Manos: The Hands Of Fate as much as it is about turkey and cranberry…
Well she clearly has larger than average balls so...
[This post contains—and complains about—spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok. It also reveals a major plot twist from the…
Famously the son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow