No Name

Starred just for "Avengers hate him!" Took me a few seconds.

This episode was an embarrassment and a chore to watch. I’m shocked at the A- and the chorus of “Best episode ever!” comments.

Fitz also suffered debilitating brain damage that magicked itself away after half a season, so continuity only happens to a point with this show.

This usually also heralds that adorable run-sideways thing that kittens do.

This is the only acceptable anime dub.

This is the only acceptable anime dub.

Yeah, the lyrics aren’t totally clear. He seemed to be describing her as a current prostitute when he meets her so I always assumed the song skipped ahead a couple of years after the opening prediction. Gross and disturbing either way.

We’re all focused on criticizing the tone-deaf but probably sincere condemnation of date rape, and not the one where he has sex with the 14-year-old prostitute?

Oh, Gizmodo. Really?

“There wasn’t a good way to go more in depth about the whys and wherefores without making it sound like an exposition dump most casual viewers didn’t actually care about.” Only because they couldn’t think of how to work a sex scene into it.

But it built on an established plot point. At least one previous episode showed that when a white walker was eliminated, the wights he commanded (and presumably had created) collapsed with him. It made sense that the same effect would be scaled up if you killed the white walkers’ creator. 

Whatever show you were watching sounds dull. You should have watched Game of Thrones instead.

Counterpoint: I know three people who each rent multiple single-family homes, and all have had mostly reasonable experiences and no serious regrets. They all got in before real estate prices got stupid, and one uses a property manager. They deal with the occasional broken lease or broken appliance (nothing too

My first thought was, why don’t you try picking up another crystal to see if you get a better future? It probably wouldn’t have worked, but wouldn’t you at least give it a shot?

Why was his face melting?? That made zero sense.

Ironically, the death panels are already here in insurance company form.

But not a plasticized corpse suitable for display? Disappointed.

But not a plasticized corpse suitable for display? Disappointed.

I was getting a Babylon 5 Shadow vibe from the flash-forward squid attack.

I feel that way about all the canon characters. Honestly the whole show feels like an unrelated sci-fi story that was shoehorned into the Trek franchise.

The lava-lamp camera motion is novel, at least.

Sorry, I like sassy and slightly anarchic Saru better.