No Name

I kept laughing at Pike’s “Oh crap, should I really be letting them do this?”expression throughout this scene. The man had no idea how to react.

No, no one else gets that feeling.

“I’m not prejudiced, but...”

Only if it’s time-controlled so you can only leave a review after the showing you purchased a ticket for. Otherwise trolls will purchase tickets en masse, leave reviews, and cancel at the last minute.

In the 70s in Detroit, as a rare luxury, we used to go to a place called Towne Club and get a case of pop (that’s what we called it, fight me) in glass bottles. We would return the empty bottles the next time we went—this was before Michigan had a general deposit on cans/bottles—and I was at least under the impression

It’s 2019. We live in an era where Target employees have green hair and neck tattoos and no one bats an eye. Why the fuck does anyone care if a man wears a gown on the red carpet? He looks fantastic, and just look how happy he is. 2019, people.

Well, here’s the Merriam-Webster definition:

I too know a couple of reasonable-seeming people who voted for Trump (despite the fact that they absolutely should have known better), and both deeply regret it and wish they could take it back. Disappointing, but very different from the people who look at everything that man has done since the election and think

That is literally the exact opposite of conservatism.

It’s because the active ones recruit! I have this on good authority from my very Catholic mother. You are not thinking of the children!

They say that now. I remember being taught as a kid in the 70s that my Protestant best friend couldn’t go to heaven. (My mother assured me that good Protestants went to Limbo, though, which was a total lie.)

It’s semantics. Most churches are never going to say “we hate The Gays.” They’re going to say that they love everyone, and they just want to express that love by helping and correcting the sinful behavior that is separating The Gays from Jesus. So Pratt can say with a straight face and apparently clear conscience that

“Never mind that engineering a situation where Frank really would be the one to kill them would be just as easy—The Punisher needs to ensure that its exploration of morality doesn’t accidentally stumble into a situation where its heroes and villains are actually hard to tell apart”

It reminds me, weirdly, of Bevis and Butthead. The show was definitely intended to laugh AT the stupidity of the characters, but an awful lot of viewers seemed to just be laughing along with them.

Wow, you really do consider all things!

Thank you. Completely agree with this.

Except that really applies to the median stupid person, not the average. The average level of stupidity could be skewed by a few extremely smart or extremely dumb people.

Today’s right wing talking point among the Yahoo commentariat has been “But Obama did stuff like like this all the time!” They can’t quite articulate *what* he did, but they’re 100% sure there is ample precedent.

Fuck any chance of winning a general election along with it, but sure.

I was really hoping Genius Burn purported to enable you to use 100% of your brain at once.

I was really hoping Genius Burn purported to enable you to use 100% of your brain at once.