We really just can't have anything nice, can we?
We really just can't have anything nice, can we?
Matt’s angry prick act is wearing thin. I get that he feels totally betrayed by his mother, and justifiably so. But hey, maybe go have it out with her instead of relying on a man to speak for her. Instead of railing at the priest for not betraying the most significant confidence of your mother’s life, maybe…
Princess Consuela, shout out!
Correction, since I misinterpreted an ambiguously worded email: The mail ballots have been counted and are included in the unofficial vote totals that everyone is basing the results on. They just aren’t officially certified yet.
OK, but that’s only half the state. The other half of us are relatively civilized. We have cities!
My county hasn’t even counted the absentee/mail ballots! I emailed our elections office, who told me that they won’t be counted (and the election results won’t be certified) until November 16.
I have a former friend with a Master’s in nursing who believes in accupuncture, remote healing, the blood type diet, that sugar highs are a real thing, and that smoking does not cause low birth weight because reasons (she was a smoker at the time). She briefly went through an antivax phase but mercifully got over it.…
I’ve been getting twice-yearly blood work for the last two decades. The novelty of looking has long since worn off.
Sorry, I should have been more specific: Some of my coworkers who happen to be millennials love it. They have literally informed me that no one wants to read a lot of words.
“Your international trade statistics here! Call us for prices.”
Leaving aside the appalling fact that this is the President of the United States, does that graphic look dispiritingly familiar to anyone else? This is the sort of thing my workplace puts out now instead of words. Also videos, because everything we do must be social media-ready. The boss loves it, the millennials love…
Toss in misogyny and homophobia and it’s a deal!
Or you could just not click on obvious celebrity clickbait and avoid all the other duplicitous bullshit, too. They only do this because so many people click.
Agreed. The right is hopeless generally, but the left’s favorite hobby is devouring itself in sanctimonious fury. This is what Trump 2020 looks like, and it will be our own fault, again.
I recommend checking out www.doctorofcredit.com. Their raison d’être is extensively inventorying credit card sign-up bonuses, cash back deals, etc., and the culture is oddly polite for the most part. It’s like r/churning except not for jerks.
I recommend checking out www.doctorofcredit.com. Their raison d’être is extensively inventorying credit card sign-up…
Oh, ouch. Too soon! :(
Can we vote on this? I’m all in for a two-state solution.
There is absolutely too much name-calling, stereotyping and sweeping accusations on both sides of the debate. But I disagree that it’s the same kind of comments. I see a lot of disgust and resentment expressed by liberals toward conservatives as a group, but I don’t see the same level of “These people are subhuman…
The latest example of a puzzling thought stream I keep seeing in consevative comment threads lately: that liberals are not just wrong, but violent and literally EVIL. Every time there’s a sensational violent crime in the news (like child-killing or dismemberment), there’s a chorus of comments about how the…