
Lady Bird is overrated and terrible, that is all.

Ah, got ya...so, they voluntarily left off Midsommar and the Lighthouse? For shame...

Warren’s team was heavily implying, and outright saying in some cases, that Pete and Bernie’s campaigns were extremely toxic even for the world of politics were people expect folks to get dirty. Booker’s people have called out the latter, too, and Castro’s team called out both. I suspect people from both campaigns

Feinstein’s awful and needs to be gone. That said, she literally lost money on selling biotech stock. She, and one other Republican (can’t recall which one as several names were tossed around), seem to pass the smell test while Loeffler, Burr, Perdue, and Inhofee seem guilty asf. There’s a reason she’s generally not

The same one who was trying to suppress the vote.

She voted Jill Stein and bragged about it in video, she said nothing when Sanders campaign surrogates were calling Kamala Harris a whore.  She is terrible at this.

This the same Briahna Joy Gray who claimed on Twitter that Biden was encouraging a genocide? The same Briahna Joy Gray who, without proof, suggested that Democratic Senators were engaged in the exact same kind of COVID-19 insider trading as their GOP counterparts? THAT Briahna Joy Gray? Because that Briahna Joy Gray

“When a candidate doesn’t speak to the essence of a key voting block, there is very little someone like Gray can do about it.”

All This. Warren just has her shit more together than anyone else. It infuriates me that this does not get more traction.

I cannot find any fault for this well researched and honest listing. Firmly grounded in reality for all candidates. Doesn’t shit on any one.

If the left wing has turned against protecting the rights of real women, what do you expect real women to do? Of course, some real women will accept help from wherever they can get it to stand up to a movement run and funded by white Western male billionaires.

Can you imagine being a high school female who loves her sport, only to end up competing against a dude in a leotard and getting destroyed? I’d be LIVID.

Sure -

Don’t worry soon all feminists will be transwomen and all women will be labeled aa$ terfs.

What makes this such an insane take on a site that claims to be about women’s issues. Instead of doing a legitimate examination of the situation, no matter what side it lands on, the article instead goes full-on ‘Women be whiners’ attitude about a very legitimate complaint.

How come you never hear about Boys complaining about trans athletes beating them. Maybe it is because they don’t since they are disadvantaged by being biologically female for their entire life until their gender change and thus don’t get the phical development of biological males.

Posts like this is why you are supposedly a feminist website.

I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.

Yuuuuup. If people want to make an argument that her timing was uncouth, I’ll field that one (though i still disagree with it), but she is a journalist, and I don’t want to live in a world where her asking that line of questioning is “wrong”. Death is not absolution

Clearly he still doesn’t get it. Nothing Gayle did was wrong. The rape case is part of his legacy whether people want it to be or not.