
What indigenous group or pueblo are you from? How do you feel about designs and patterns being take from your people and used to profit a company?

So it’s a modern interpretation of The Little Mermaid?

I said the exact same thing. She’ll probably be all, “the innocence of middle school was so long ago.” And after her first week at her part-time job at Cinnabon: “I never foresaw my career taking me here.”

I knew I was Too Old For This Shit when I saw a preview for this show before GoT, where one of the characters says “This is the feeling I’ve been looking for all my life”. Me: “What are you, 16? Calm down.”

“delve into the dark side of Gen Z.”

He’s a polarizing film maker.
I would usually say that to mean that some people love him and some people hate him but I’m pretty sure that in his case they’re the same people.
I’m absolutely entranced and incredibly bored by his movies, depending on the film.

The funny part is most white people wouldn’t even consider him white - he looks pretty “exotic” compared to my pastiness. Trump’s America would stop him and ask for his papers and ICE would already be called. But he got a pass with racists because he murdered a black boy and brags about it to this day.

Like, Tilda just randomly reached out to Margaret — a person she straight up says she’s never met — and initiated a conversation about racism in hollywood when Margaret never asked for it. “Hi we’ve never met. Can you teach me all about the racism your people face and while you’re at it couldja reassure me that I’m

Yep. She was good at it, but it was standard Wise Mentor, except it was a bald white female Brit. The honest thing to say here would be: Look, they wanted a white Brit who was offbeat with a certain cachet and they didn’t want to think too hard about the Asian thing.

Except Tilda does a weird, insensible thing when she says, “I’m a Scottish woman of 55 who lives in the Highlands. There’s precious little projected on contemporary cinema screens that means a great deal to my life, if truth be told.”

YOUR CHILDREN ARE BLACK, YOU BEAUTIFUL MORON! How are you going to vote for someone endorsed by the literal KKK?

I came here to say just that. She is a fucking ignorant dipshit whose wealth makes all the difference in the world. I can’t get into this. After the second season of watching Caitlyn, she is no fucking ally.

Does it rhyme with schmaxes?

TF is wrong with you. She looks beautiful.

I like Autostraddle, but I have noticed a real dearth of articles for/about butch women, especially lately. When I look at their archives, it seems like they did way more. It’s odd- on every article about femmes, the comments are full of discussion about femme erasure (which is real and exists, not saying otherwise),

It’s also not their responsibility to cover the losses of an unpopular unprofitable website.

I can’t warm up to Autostraddle. I read it, but I don’t feel the same connection to it that I did with AfterEllen in their heyday.

I’m not going to lie: AfterEllen had been shit for a few years, since the departure of Sarah Warn basically and them being bought by Logo. It was only recaps of tv shows with lesbian “subtext” (such as Rizzoli and Isles) and articles about sexual fluidity as if all lesbians are suddenly fluid and attracted to men.

If you want to classify neckbeards as "people", then yes.