
ur bad

It’s gonna sound like a Volvo 940 turbo with a fart can, isn’t it?

I’m glad that atleast someone thinks of the albino gibbons!

Duly noted, sir.

Now playing

Nah, mate. Not to drive a wedge between y’all, but clearly those are Triumph TR7's.

Well, prices of Type 2's seems to have gone through the roof lately..

You can’t let facts get in the way of a chance to diss Porsche..

Tsk! He probably would have lived if he had kept his well-proven 1953 MG TD instead of that German arse-engined lift-off-oversteer-mobile!

There is one for sale in my country currently. Should I?

That depends on the weather...

Ford Mustang GT in Norway: 137 110 $

Eh... Directly translated it would be “kjærlighetstunnel”, although I have never heard anyone use it before....

Original Jaguar XJ:


It will DEFINITELY go over budget. Just sayin’.

Trust me on this: Norwegian infrastructure projects ALWAYS go over budget.

Heh. There is an exception:

But Miss Schrader, did you not hear what famed automobile racer and expert in genetics, David Coulthard said?

Leyland Sherpas?