
Relax Svetlana, Q-ветви has fitted this car with a few... optional extras.

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B-b-b-b-b-b-but that car definatley has a V8 and rear wheel drive. There is no way it can be a K-car!

So... Here we are in the future. I suppose Pepe the frog memes are subversive and possibly rebellious and chaotic and nihilistic... But I wouldn’t say the so called “meme war” really compares that well with the summer of love to be honest.

Oh come on, the correct spelling is Gåldy Gøfer.

Meh, proper Bentleys have the throttle pedal in the centre.

Ok cool, now where’s the friggin’ V8?

Did that car just sexually harass me?

Thats alot of dristracted driving. Colour me unimpressed. Safety on the road is HURR DURR

My nomination for 1988:

I fear my fellow MG owners are a bit to likeley to suffer from arthritis to put up a good fight.

*AHEM* This prototype was built by the engineers at Abingdon (MG) for the Austin-Morris Group, part of the Britsh Leyland Motor Corporation. No such thing as Austin-Rover until 1981.