
Points for honesty.

I find it fascinating that 95% of the comments here are from people who don't watch the show/never watched the show/quit watching the show/hate the show. It's like a contest to see who watched the least and comment about it.

I had a cousin who said she was a boy up until about age eleven. The parents basically said "Okay, whatever. How was school today?" They didn't freak out and drag her to conversion therapy, nor did they declare her transgender and buy her different clothes and cut her hair. Then she dropped it and it never came up

I've regretted this comment since I posted it. He probably is a nice person. And he might be a decent actor, but I've only seen him in crap. Maybe he'll surprise us. I hate people like me who slag on celebrities for no reason.

I'd believe him as a kind intelligent person before I'd believe him as a terrific actor.

There's some speculation historically that Ivar the Boneless suffered from Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease). One of the symptoms is that the sclera, or whites of the eyes have a blue or purplish tint. They don't glow quite so brightly IRL. Google image search it.

Once I parked my car downtown to meet some friends a few block away. A large man was standing nearby when I got out. I strode away purposefully, keys in hand ready to fight if necessary. He started calling out to me. I walked faster. He started following me and calling to me. I kept going. Eventually he yelled

Completely agree. I dismissed him as a loud Fieri-esque, catch-phrase spouting "personality" chef. (See: "Bam".) Once the wave he was riding ended, he went quietly back to the kitchen and kept cooking. Since then I've found him soft-spoken, knowledgeable, and respectful when he appears on any cooking show and seems

I'm really enjoying the pop-up to sign up for newsletters or notifications or whatever the hell it's for.

Giant sigh.
Watch the scene in The Producers where Leo Bloom freaks out over his blanket. Watch Gene Wilder do it, then watch Matthew Broderick. Truly the difference between talent and genius. I'm not knocking Broderick - seems like a nice guy - but Wilder was a genius.

There is no way I'm going to watch this, I lied.

I scanned this whole conversation looking for "sheeple" and didn't see it. Must be a typo or hilarious autocorrect?

Not enough Staying Alive. There's never enough. Cynthia Rhodes had no bones.

Why do you hate throwers?

Hooray for our favorite son!

Mary Tyler Moore Tyler Moore Moore Moore Barrymoore.

I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but Gaylord Felcher!

Will there still be shows about rich people acting like assholes? Or is that E!?
"I remember when Bravo used to air operas." - Jack Donaghy


There are spoon millionaires.