
I miss Disqus too. I’m new to Kinja - are we able to comment on this show without posting a link to another website?

"Don't touch the curtains." She probably couldn't see where they were going - there are no signs anymore, it was a long drive, and the curtains were likely shut.

Wouldn't Maraca work better?

Agree - At Jezebels, she's Ruby - she was caught, most likely tortured, forced to work at a brothel. Everyone she knew/loved is (as far as she knows) dead. June turns up - alive! - tells her Luke is alive and free, and that Hannah is still out there somewhere - they are family. She reminds her to be Moira again.

I'm assuming the Econowives are women whose marriages were considered "valid", and are therefore allowed to continue being married to their husbands. Offred's marriage was invalid because of divorce/adultery. Maybe the married folk are just working away somewhere (farms, factories) and getting to be married and have

Isn't the reviewer's constant harping on the heritage plotline common knowledge by now? I mean we don't really need to hear about it in every single review do we? I don't.

I rewatched the episode and focused on Flores in his scenes. He mostly looks uneasy, slightly sick, and to be giving significant Looks. Also he was the one who asked for her given name at their first meeting. The focus he projects in that scene - the tight lipped half smiles. Excellent directing and writing. And

Oh but the scene where Aunt Lydia hits and shocks Offred… when Serena runs in and says she's pregnant - the immediate and sincere regret and shame that flashed across her face. Ann Dowd is killing it in this role.

Seems like the reviewer's expectations of the show are clouding the reviews.

"Do not eat."

You should regret that comment after episode 5.

No one is allowed to be unhappy with anything ever because someone else somewhere else has it worse. In other news, someone somewhere is having a way better time than you, so wipe that smile off your face.

Too bad they can't just get a cut of the Sesame Street merchandising money. Whoever made THAT deal (a million years ago) should be fired. If they aren't dead already. Because it was a long time ago.

When Hallmark started doing movies I watched Sarah Plain and Tall and loved it. Then I never watched another. It was perfect.

Also Malk. Malk is a real thing now.

It makes Lexington look like Harlan, and Harlan look like Dogpatch. All the local color is wrong - names, locations, etc. I'm honestly surprised they let most of the actors wear shoes. You can't SEE palm trees in the background, but somehow you know they're there.

As a Kentuckian I only made it 2.5 episodes in. They just got too much wrong.

What a racially diverse cast. Murder at the Disney Child Factory?

Y'all know Northern Kentucky isn't Cincinnati, right?

I wanted him to yell "We've got the meats!" when they delivered the pigs.