
I understood the whole thing. I'm not proud of it, but I did. I loved that scene.

That is why his character was a ski-masked DJ for most of the movie.

Okay, okay - we get it. You don't like the Jacqueline-as-Native-American storyline. Can we please get one review without nine paragraphs of commentary about it? You've said your piece. You've said it again. Please stop.

When I read the Harry Potter books, I always imagined Alan Cumming as Snape. While I will always lurve Alan Rickman, and he played the part brilliantly, I found him *just* a bit too old. Cumming will be too old for the inevitable reboot in 10+ years.

I'm flying to L.A. today to kidnap whoever did Tovah M.F. Feldshuh's makeup for the flashback scene. I will keep him/her in a jar in my basement and get makeovers every day. Slumber party anyone? Hot damn, she looked amazing.

He said something similar about Bend It Like Beckham - a couple swear words (mostly "shite") in a movie otherwise full of strong, smart female role models, healthy body image messages, and kids respecting their elders a lot.

Customer: "This food tastes bad."
Chef: "You aren't eating it right."

I was surprised, frankly, because most shows don't put in years of groundwork there will be one episode where looks are exchanged or something is said, then - boom - they are a couple now (see Sasha and Bull Randleman.) After the years of building their relationship, I thought they'd leave it the way it was. I like

Plus they said pretty early on in the episode that they were out of toothpaste.

Daddy likes a deep tuck.

If it's as accurate about Kentucky as Justified, then… Well I won't watch it because Justified seems like it was written by somebody who visited Kentucky once, about 15 years ago.

Always start with your high end meats, skip veggies they'll only fill you up with nonsense, and be sure to make sexual eye contact with the carver, your stomach will thank you.

Alison Brie Schermerhorn would do nicely as well. I didn't realize she had Jewish cred to lend to the role. I'll allow it.

Can we all agree that if Audra Levine ever shows up, then she has to be played by Sarah Silverman?

People care about hockey?

Why is the AV Club insisting I sign in to read a review? I clicked the link to read TBE review above, and it's demanding a sign in. WTF??

Director: "Richard, you just loud-whisper everything intensely. Gillian, I'm going to need a LOT more over-enunciation from you. No, more than that. Good. Now double it. No inflection, thanks. Hugh - do about half what Gillian's doing. Less inflection… Great. Raul - you just act your ass off. Action!"

Can we be honest here? The third season so far, in three episodes, has featured at least nineteen minutes of extreme snail close ups. I love the show, but sometime I shout "Talk like people!" at the screen.

I hate every queer I see,
From NPH to Ellen D.
No you'll never make a liberal out of meeeeee!

I first heard it as the opening for an episode of Boston Public.  That fact that I still remember it, and from that show?  What a song.