I will…
I will…
The word is "opera". No one knows why.
Obviously it would be God Particloverfield. God Cloverfield Particle is just absurd.
To be fair, loners would use USB, but they're turned off by the "US". Everyday they curse the pluralist pronoun hidden in the initialism. If someone would come out with a MEB alternative, they'd be content.
David Pumpkins? I'm not familiar with this vaguely named character. Did you mean David S. Pumpkins, acclaimed star of stage and screen (on floors 35, 46, and 78)?
Counterpoint: this is David S. Pumpkins.
Which was irritating. It was irritating after the 10th time. You incurred a whole new iteration of wrath by pestering her with 999,990 unnecessary apologies.
Oh good, TV has finally reached the absurdity level of Jurassic Park.
Hey man, rice is a 4-letter word on this site.
The AV Club
Either way: WINE.
It does?! Damn, NYC's best kept secret right there. Every day is autumn in the NYC sewer dining community.
Except Obi-wan does specify that millions of voices cried out and were suddenly silenced. Kind of implies the death count was in the millions.
It's really all a matter of how highly pressurized your bowels are. Some slam, others just lay.
That headline reminded me of my favorite story from my childhood, "Trumpstilldickson", about a lecherous troll that made wagers with people about their daughters based on whether they could guess his name.
Some people are just that good at conversing.
…and you'll never guess which two! Watch the video to find out!
No! Surely it can't be! I'd heard the stories…but no….
My grandma used to cook us lumpy ta-tas. Unless I'm misremembering that.
Ooooh, look at the big spender right here! I'll bet you own a blender too, don't you? Don't you?!