I think we're still on the same Rick and Morty we started with, however the reality they're now living in might be their third or fourth reality.
I think we're still on the same Rick and Morty we started with, however the reality they're now living in might be their third or fourth reality.
Isn't that what the Jack and Triumph Show was?
Honestly, if they could keep finding classic tropes to flip on their head to make them ridiculously normal I'd tune in from week to week. What over-the-top trope will we normalize this week? The angry police captain? The staff psychologist who insists our hero is our of control? The dirty cop? Tune in every Thursday…
This kind of perfectly illustrates why the game's primary allure as a young kid was its more graphic than usual violence. The game wasn't difficult in the slightest, it just let you shoot stuff and see it explode with some low-res blood. Tim Allen is more entertaining though.
Is it weird that now when I see that Keanu mouth-melding scene from The Matrix that I pair it with Archer's "MOP" tinnitus sound?
"Back in the ’90s, Colin Quinn thought Matt Damon was as bad as Hitler"
Actually, what didn't happen was any executive on the film at any time stopping and saying "Hey guys, should we really be doing this? I mean, this whole thing just seems like a horrid mistake."
It only became false advertising once they stopped making sequels. Unless part 4 is so epic that the 20 year production time since NeverEnding Story 3 is necessary.
I snacked a snack of tasty cheese.
Twas baked into a tiny crackerrrrrrrr
Said cracker changed my life with ease
And now I'm quite the macho snacker
How did we get on the subject of Crowe's urethra?
Enough of these puns, cut to the chaise, people.
Yes, and in this case the right girl needed to have a penis and no breasts,
Do I like parents of child actors? That's a weirdly off-topic question.
Clearly it's Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Who else could it be?
Give a hoot, molest an of-age prostitute (instead).
I thought we all agreed next time was going to be the personal time. Didn't we? What's the point of our weekly meetings if we're just going to do whatever the hell we want after that?
You haven't seen the post-credit scene. He's the next guy the daughter brings home.
Way to finally hop on the bandwagon, Bryan Cranston. Feel free to agonize over the "I told you so" look on everyone's faces.
But not all boobs are racists. I learned that studying for the SAT.