Lex Walker

I'll give you $12 for it.

*cue 10 zillion Chang Tsung related jokes*

"Because that sucka crossed him first." is the correct answer

No one, and goddammit you know that.

Not by choice. It's Canada's Australia.

I think it might be more an issue of lower player volume therefore the injury average isn't quite as diluted.

Especially since filling up a pool entirely with dolphins and no water means you're diving into a writhing pit of dry, pissed off dolphins.

*Read in the voice of Werner Herzog*

Yeah, this feels a bit like being really proud that you managed to trick your really stupid dog into thinking you threw his favorite ball. Aim higher people. Let's try to fool people who aren't already fools.

"So that's what it would have been like had I invented the Iron Toby suit. A man can dream, though, a man can dream."

Meow meow?

Oh, Pigly…

Finally some Godot jokes. I've been waiting forever.

Except 0.52 isn't actually bad for a new Sci-Fi show on a cable channel that sometimes isn't even included as part of basic cable. Some of the most popular shows on CW top out at 1.5 and that's network TV. When you consider its audience likely has a higher proportion of streamers, it becomes even more likely that FX

if his accent is too thick you can turn on subtitles

It's about ethics in superhero movie franchises even slightly resembling the ethics in the comic books they're derived from.

Typical rich people! The one percent sparing the one percent, while the hoi polloi get the short end of the stick…through the chest in slow-motion.

***sits cheeseburger, eats up***

This shit has been entirely fucked. Please pull forward to the next partially fucked shit and restate your intention.

Logan (to Scott and Jean): I'm available to perform the bris, I do those a lot. Sometimes (looking down) unintentionally.