Lex Walker

I think it could be rough as the entire plot for a movie, but at the same time this was a man who was experiencing Alzheimer's while holding the most powerful position in the world. There are a huge number of people around him at any time, which means you have so many angles to explore the concept (family, personal

Dementia can be funny, depending on what part of their perception of reality is distorted. For all the sadness inherent, there's also comedy in there. People seeing reality as something that it's not is a huge potential for comedy and it can be handled well.

The only military division trained in the use of deadly understated political satire.

Like a used furniture salesman living in a Motel 8 as he goes through a brutal divorce and custody battle he has no chance of winning.

You're a can of soup. You don't have a nose or tongue!

But the leftovers came with a free frogurt.

I always use "Unfortunately, Viggo Mortensen also exists" whenever I have to make a pro and con list for anything. It just sums up perfectly why I can't have nice things.

Doctor: I'm afraid her days of pulling are through. Pushing, on the other hand, well, she's got a lot of that ahead of her. Pushing daisies, that is. I'm the doctor that explains their own insensitive jokes. I won't be back next episode.

I knew my math teachers were ripping me off all these years. Show your work they'd say, and like a chump, I would — for free. I never even knew I was allowed to invoice them for it.

It's definitely not just movies, this is a tenet of all marketing. Concerts, live theater, etc., they all do it. It's a combination of proven poster composition, the fact that sex sells, and a general lack of creativity on the part of marketing/advertising departments to try something new.

It can be two things. Don't try to stifle his/her/their self-actualization!

So much so that they actually renamed Sunday to Clouday, or Cloudeh in common Canadian vernacular.

It's not their fault, school's just aren't teaching the proper way to recycle a body like they used to.

Why bother with twine when one of those kindly men from just outside the park walked off with our child 10 minutes ago?

Perfectly what?! Perfectly soup? Perfectly soulful? Never knowing is gonna ki-

They didn't even bother buying a level. It was that bad.

Why bother with Craigslist when you can just secure them to a bike rack with a bike lock?

Gym is a person and doesn't deserve to be locationified like this.

They can't be any worse than Chicago when they played New Years 2016 in Chicago. That was absolutely horrible.

This is why you can't have nice Springs…teens, North Carolina.