Lex Walker

If you can't tell which is which anymore, how can you be sure you didn't watch the first Avengers?

I've had about 8 tracks from Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross that I've carried through mix CDs to iPods and now to my phone. They're just so beautifully done that people who hear them are always shocked they're from 16-20 year-old video games.

Too Siouxn.

No, he spends a lot of time diving away from bullets and into cover in this series. It's even in the season's very first action scene.

Pretty sure they're Westeros's foremost experts on Bird/Dragon Law and end up prosecuting Khaleesi for mistreatment, not having her dragons properly tagged, etc.

For a second, this headline made me think Billy Corgan was a woman I'd just assumed was a man for the last 30 years and that he just now got a sex change. Then I realized the headline was making a joke.

Grenada? I hardly know a.

Whoa whoa whoa - who can we rely on to save Mario from Bowser's clutches when Mario is Missing? Luigi. Give the man, some credit, he's got hella mad history trivia skills, yo.

You've got to learn to multi-task. I muppsturbated while writing this.

I like that this pun makes more sense than the original line of dialogue.

HBO Go It Alone?

I didn't even know lines on the map could have capitals. What's the capital of Prime Meridia?

…is…is Kuala Lumpur not the capital of Ecuador? When did this happen!? WHY WASN'T I TOLD?!

You just made every episode of Law & Order seem awful for no other reason than they're not Claw & Order: Special Velociraptors Unit

::cackles mischievously while sitting in the rafters naked::

On Nal Hutta, Hutt manipulates you!

Mike is back with some torture inventions.

Whoa whoa, the Saw movies had writers? I just assumed they let a couple 12-year-old boys mess with some Barbies in a workshop and then recreated it on film with actors yelling random police-y things.

Not if it's a three-way.

No, you don't get it. There is no Waldo. That man in the red and white striped garb? Just a random guy at the beach/battlefield/museum/etc. The real Waldo…is happiness.