Lex Walker

Pretty sure "Where's Waldo?" was just a metaphor to teach children about the unending challenge to find the mystical clitoris.
1. Think you've memorized it's location? Try again in a week
2. Found it once? Unimpressive, you must be able to find it at least 8 times in rapid succession in seemingly different places.
3. Etc.

Question: What is the minimum number of slides required to crush a soul (to dust, to bite-size chunks, in half)?

As long as German TV has Stachen Blocken they'll be fine.

An efficient and cost-effective one. She's probably cheap.

"What entrancing beauty did Hans see in the smoldering cauldron of despair that I was witnessing? We may never know the desperate spell that drove his foolish romance, but we can be sure that, by the supervolcano, the love was unrequited.."

"Sizzly Man will tell the story of ill-fated volcano researcher Hans Stiegler who spent 2 years in the wild living among supervolcanoes only to one day be killed by the very geological formations he thought had become his friend."

When did cartoony violence stop being fun?

Catch-22: To participate in the lawsuit, you have to admit or lie to people saying you were dumb enough to believe it was an aphrodesiac or that you bought it at all.

Reeeeeed Robin! wait…

He clearly means repurposed stained glass, you cow.

Everyone knows that for a good rock n roll steak you have to turn the grill up to 11.

It's not a party without some bananas, bro. - Mojo the Party Ape

Approach the Benched, counsel

Well yeah, Hot Wheels was leading the way in movie tie-ins.

Sure, if you're into the whole silent unmoving picture thing. LAME.

He was supposed to call a doctor if his boner lasted longer than 4 hours and turned cinematically appealing colors.

"I knew before it was cool to know."

How do you determine the gender of a turd?

But even Speed Racer's illustration of the idea isn't unique, unless all that's needed to make it unique is that it was cotton candy colored racecars. Otherwise the film is just repeating an illustration drawn numerous times before. Calling it "masterful" is giving it way too much credit. Visually resplendent? Sure,

Alas, the children are destined to inherit your war when they're of age. Will they find a way to unite the disparate sides…or will the household be torn asunder by subjective opinion?