Lex Walker

Finally I won't have to split my attention between culinary creativity and pun-making. Thank you, Cheeses!

Do you think the episode name "Save JJs" was just a subtle way to name an episode "Say va-jay-jays"?

Actually the joke was that Michael Moore is hard of hearing and has a salivary gland problem. Get with it.

I still think The Bourne Blartimatum is the best of the reboots.

I think that was a missed "it can be two things" opportunity.

Icy, that makes sense.

Clearly that's taught in Being Flash 301.

Yes it does, it gives Lex Luthor terminal cancer via radiation.

Yeah, but it's not just the melody, it's also that both songs' choruses are separated by exactly the same amount of time on the bridging lyrics. It would be one thing if it was just the melody, but it's the timing of the melody and how it repeats at exactly the same intervals.

And pauper's graves. Don't forget those. I hear classical artists often got very cushy positions in pauper's graves, whatever those are. Probably some kind of thinktank or something.

I think it's just about having four final takes to choose from as opposed to practicing all the parts individually but then only having a single final take and having to publish it because it's all you've got. That's all the coverage is here.

Are you saying that my initials aren't just capitalized consonants from my first name? I challenge that notion, sir. I challenge it outright. - ALX

Pretty sure once it's on Blu-ray, it's okay to joke about.

Much in the same way getting crucified was Jesus's passion project.

Dey tuk err surpur jerbs!

Also, since kryptonite is apparently radioactive enough to give people cancer, it's basically everybody's kryptonite.

Not a bad choice…unless you want someone who can act as and not just look like Jon Stewart. At which point Gibson is a very bad choice.

Or even the more immediate follow-up of changing her last name to "Butts" when options like wench, witch, etc. have been expected ever since they first uttered the name Wuntch on the show.

You don't salvage a relationship with comedy by ordering something/anything from Jimmy Fallon. That's the relationship equivalent of dumping comedy's stuff on the lawn and lighting it on fire as they watch.

When Kal El was in Phantom Zone, "Let my Krypton go…"