Lex Walker

Which really begs the question of whether there's any point to circumcising Mr. Fantastic.

Yeah but then they hit you up with service fees. That's how they get ya.


That sounds like an ocelot of work.

Liger, liger pants on fire.

So there's no way I can convince you not to call Daniel Baldwin's memoir?

I thought it was so much funnier that the song he claims the children will sing is "Wuntch is Gone" and not "Ding Dong the Wuntch is Dead" despite having bought Wuntch Wicked tickets, thus making it the obvious pop culture joke and further establishing his penchant to ignore such culturally involved jokes in favor of

Yeah, but we've seen her write her own specials on the board before, so she can clearly reach it.

Knowing now that that's the joke he was telling makes that moment much much funnier.

Does anybody?

Or so we assume. What if Shia Labeouf's meltdown is actually I'm Still Here 2.

Paragraphs do not feel! They are cold,unfeeling behemoths built of words and broken dreams!

Maybe by saying good night to a ba-gull.

You say "Chrome Bone", but all I see is "Crumb Bum", and Dr. Venture has instructed me never to call someone that.

Direct quote from Leno's appearance on Ferguson's last episode:

Your unauthorized unlicensed paraphernalia's got me crazy right now…

Man Up had its moments. The later episodes were much better with almost all credit going to Henry Simmons. Him speaking gibberish to a GPS device is hysterical.

It was a weak pun. Betraying it would be easy and oh so juicy. Like veal.

Derrida lotta potential for this idea. If it doesn't work, it's their own damn foucault.

Or, I dunno, just bring back Better Off Ted. Let's do that.