Lex Walker

Whoa, whoa whoa…someone actually SENT YOU a piece of paper?! I had to print my own. Curse you RealOnlineSeminaryTotallyLegit <dot> com!

That would be so much more enjoyable. A low blow [edit: not intended as a basement joke], sure, by so funny.

Except it doesn't analyze or even explore that "culture" until you check out the Q&A session on the disc. It's much more an exploration of 'whoa did you ever imagine this is what they meant?!' than it was of studying the people themselves.

They did 3 separate encores of silence! AMAZING!

Ironically, they're laboring under the common misconception that someone does.

So they should sell tickets at $50 a pop, donate the ticket proceeds, and then not play. That would be the ideal situation. DOUBLE CHARITY!

To be fair to King and Kubrick, those people in Room 237 are absolutely ridiculous. My eye actually rolled out of my head and managed a full road-trip of the continental US before rolling back into my head.

By contrast the day the satyr died was centuries ago.

Sorry won't bring his cats back. Or clean his microwave.

Right, but always preceded by "interrupted" and "pale green"

Gal Gadot Gadoesn't Gado what Gal Gadot Gadoes for Gal Gadot, Gal Gadot Gadoes what Gal Gadot Gadoes because Gal Gadot is Gal Gadot.

After realizing the horrible mistake she'd made, she went on a Ben-Der

I don't think so, just find them a good power top who can convince them to leave their beards.

You never felt up Kermit?

Just take a bite out of Justice (which no one told you, until now, was tastier than a bite of crime).

It's got some great gams. Plus it's easy to objectify.

Beats smee.

Fast forward to next week:
Warner Brothers announces a new series featuring a futuristic take on The Wizard of Oz, wherein Dorothy is a hovercar racer who gets caught in the wake of a jetliner, causing her to crash and fall into an alternate reality where she must stop the evil DJ WitchaWitcha from plotting the

Or with a juicer, iron intestines, and a resilient urethra.