Lex Walker

While pedophilia is already horrific, whatever pedophile saw that show and said, "I'ma date that lurdy and get her kids" after seeing just how obnoxious they all are is a special breed of stupid as well.

Look, I'd love to, but the Jacuzzi guys are very insistent and they said no backsies.

The other 90%: TO THE JACUZZI FUND!

If I'm being honest, I had to IMDb that to be sure. It makes sense though considering the show was developed for NBC (which typically happens in-house).

Yeah, but it's still a product of Universal Television, even if it doesn't air on its parent's network.

Is that anything like a gagortion?

This shot of tequila…I could have saved two more with the money I spent on this.

I've gotta say, I appreciated the absolute lack of subtlety in NBCUniversal forcing a Ouija board into the last episode of Mulaney, you know, because synergy.

I think posting music/movie/TV/book preferences on Facebook is a pretty clear indicator that a person isn't aware Facebook only wants you to post said information so it can determine which ads to show you. It really serves no other purpose.

Well with time zones and everything, it actually is April 1st in Chicago. It's all very technical.

It was good. I prefer spying on Wright/Frost/Pegg through their laptop cameras though.

The zombie kids will fix nothing save for our overwhelming brain surplus.

He broke his GPiSh

I did too. Filmed myself not putting animals on a boat during a storm just yesterday as I simultaneously filmed myself sleeping.

Why have I not been given an award for not putting animals on a boat during a storm? I don't do that ALL THE TIME.

In this economy?

Oof, that's rough, though if it happened to me, I'd be angry and then begrudgingly remember, well, yeah, that was his shit. It's the kind of thing that invites a snarky "A little warning next time, yeah?" before becoming not so big a deal. Unless you took stuff out of the fridge and left it to spoil on his desk. Then

…when I visit him in the coma ward.

Was he unique enough that he really deserved to be DaRon and not aRon?

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