Lex Walker

I think it's important to note that it was the Patriot Act that fueled many right-wing folks to form their little militias and the general mistrust of the government. The Patriot Act was not very popular with anyone who knew what it was beyond its name.

How long can this thread of puns be sustained?

I liked Watchmen better when it was The Golden Girls.

Whoa whoa, hey, now, we don't need to start any wars for these stars.

That's the first time anyone has ever hoped for anything from Master of Disguise

So for your argument you're making the assumption that this string of episodes was written outside of the typical 1-week production schedule? Not sure if that's a valid assumption, and it's certainly not one you can really back up.

Okay, I guess I'm wondering why you think South Park is having the ability to "go back and add the kind of continuity" and not simply writing each sequential episode as a continuation of the one that came before (which is what makes sense in the context of South Park's production). Assuming they're writing and

Not a doctor.

I never said other shows don't get to plan out the writing, and in fact my point that a network might have 10-15 completed episodes in the can infers that I am aware that most shows have the planning phase necessary to ensure continuity is added. Although having different writers for each episode (a common occurrence)

Oh anti-semitism.

Potassium benzoate killed my father! And if not in court, then I demand my day in TMZ headlines!

Yeah, South Park has always had traces of continuity (like repeat guests, or those guests being progressively crazier, or antagonists coming back for revenge), but if that's the standard then The Simpsons, ahem, already did it. And if we're talking about brief glimpses or call-backs, that's still true for the Simpsons.

That depends: is the second Holocaust targeting Jewish folks or studio executives who insist that a reboot/rebranding/re-imagination of a beloved franchise is a good thing? If the former then reboot; if the latter then I say holocaust.

But the yogurt has preservatives that give you cancer. That's bad!

Yeah, but as the original context for this being "revolutionary" was for "western animation", it's not so much.

Marsha Marsha Marshe.

The "Lord" is anything but just!

That "URR" was more of a slurred "Our", but "your" is also true.

That and a Bob's Burgers soundtrack would be the first two full albums I'll have purchased in years.

You can read the full transcript of the discussion in 30 minutes at Democracy Later.