Lex Walker

Are you a robosexual?


He's not bald, he just has a very high widow's peak.

The choice to give if RPG of the Year over FFIX was good only in that it possibly helped more people take notice of it, whereas FFIX had a guaranteed audience.

"but it’s believed to be a minor enough part that he can be replaced by someone not facing sexual abuse charges."

Yeah, I'm not saying he looks or even has to acknowledge all of them, but a few of those thousand will inevitably get through his decision to ignore them and it just becomes the same groundless questions over and over.

I don't know, every new article like that spurs thousands of people to re-ask him questions he's already answered despite the fact that the article was based on nothing but supposition. Now, do that for 15-some years and it could get really annoying really fast.

The joke's on you: due to cheap surgery my internal organs are made entirely of Pizza Hut breadsticks and sauce. You could have saved yourself the middleman!

Already past that part, sorry. I'll get you on the next read-through though, if you bring that sexy thesaurus I like.

You had me at "stick your finger in the holes." You had me at "stick your finger in the holes".

The Kindle is my penis.

"Oh this? Just my dog-eared copy of the unabridged Les Miserables. I've read it twice, on my third time right now. Care to join me back at my place for a sensual reading of Jean Valjean's escape from Javert in the sewers? I'll do the voices."

They're hurting my sole.

To be fair, France has some hella sexy goats.


*misses bottle due to huge shards of glass in his eyes, ends up inappropriately fondling bar tender*

Gentle is his middle name, his full name is Qontay'jus Gentle Herpes, if that helps.

Ghoulies never say die.

You don't want to give away the entire Herzoggian experience in the trailer. You lure them in with the German-accented existential musing, and then you break them down with the full Herzog experience.

I read this in the voice of Werner Herzog.