Lex Walker

10% less bark?

err…Now with 40% less bark!

Now with 100% less bark!

Some of us don't have good family lives okay?! You're so goddamn judgmental about those of us who curl up with a nuke to fall asleep.

Look at Mr. Too-Good-to-Kill-a-Helpless-Old-Man-and-a-Kid McGee over here. You're the worst kind of indiscriminate killer: the randomly discriminate kind.

"Fallout 3's Megaton is one of the better crappy post-apocalypse communities"

Of quartz, now you tell me.

Specifically a black guy missing a finger. It's a huge part of his identity and possibly a metaphor for slavery. If there's time.

I could eat two of those in those 29 minutes, probably multiple times.

He was complimenting you on your math. Just take the compliment dammit.

Quesarito-based word problems are the reason I come to the AV Club comment section. That and the potential for sideboob.

Pretty sure using a directory to find all Ana Ng's in your area is a good way to start.

Can't I just watch Oz and get the general gist of the story? Do I really need to wait for this? Chances are HBO's was of a higher quality than whatever this new thing will be.

It'll be okay, that's all over now. Eat fresh.

Firefly died on its way back to its home planet.

Tum again?

You can't cast fictional cosmic mutants to play other cosmic mutants in movies. That just doesn't work. Besides, what happens if you accidentally cast Dark Phoenix and she just obliterates everyone? Huh? What then?

Who's your source on the universe exploding? Is it a sure thing? Any way I can speed it up? I just want to end this suffering.

Wow, you even find lines attractive?

You say "creeping myself right the fuck out", but I think you mean "turning myself right the fuck on"