Lex Walker

Let's just say these soft walls are a gymnast. Interested now?

The AV Club

That movie is coming out on the 4th of Cock, 2015

Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?

Have you checked your attic? There might be a giant pile of dead goldfish, hamsters, dogs, cats, and possibly a ferret. Which is a shame since that would mean the first goldfish to learn to walk did so only to die without anyone seeming to notice.

So optimistic, I can tell you totally believed your parents when they told you Fluffy just went off to live on a farm upstate.

Well of course it's leaner, it's cursed to be forever running through a maze. That's hella good for cardio.

If I don't survive, tell Laura I said 'Hello'.

Right, whereas most people over the age of 10 don't need 5 minutes to remember "Oh, right, people in wheelchairs exist" Especially not after we've just been reminded people missing legs exist. Also, most people don't stop doing what they're paid to do just because people refuse to stand for them.

*Only to remember the Hentai Blow-Up Doll with Tentacle Action lying on top of the bed.*

He probably has a coupon for a free Morty after saving the multiverses.

The once profitable torch litigation sector of law has gone up in flames since then.

My expertise is solely in Stick Law.You'll need to consult a Rock or Molotov Lawyer for answers to your questions. Throwing a flaming stick, however, is not an actionable offense.

No good lazy androgynous teens. ::mumbles to self angrily::

Please refer to

Go the biebstance.

DISCLAIMER: Do not actually throw a stick at a survey-level class, you can be sued.

This may not be a poplar opinion, but I just wish they'd quit aspen 'Wye Oak' in the first place.

Fine, then you obviously didn't peripherally see what she wore to the Emmy's.

That's a good, practical rule, good job Stranger-Stevedore Sex Club.