Lex Walker

Rule Five: Above all else, obey Rule Six unless Rule Four has happened twice.

Anderson Cooper? Unless he's drunk, maybe.

So the first rule of stranger-stevedore sex club is that you don't talk about stranger-stevedore sex club? Original.

Chills, I got chills just then.

I completely forgot about that. I have tried that, and I remember thinking, this DOES work. Now someone just needs to make an official. hi-res version (with Capcom's blessings). Thanks for reminding me of that, might have to give it another go.

Aw, come on you're getting tear marks on those…those could've been worth…well, no, nevermind.

Like George Costanza and Kramer? Find it!

…but only as an actress. As a french maid or chicken cutlet, her breasts are merely adequate.

Geez, can't a guy get semen on a dead woman's shawl without being blamed for her murder?

Because he's short. I get jokes!

But it was still better than the childish and drab The Spectacular Stephanopoulos.

"but it would be nice if Marvel left one or two people in the world free to do something other than appear in its movies and TV shows"

Still waiting on a Mega Man first-person shooter. I mean, conceptually it's begging for that (kill a boss, get his special weapon), etc.

Dave, typically you tip the glass just enough to let the recipient of the gesture notice the movement, your choice to tip the glass completely on its side and then lick the whiskey from the counter is quite unorthodox.

No, and they'd also be castrated for good measure.

Don't worry Captain Happypants, everyone still thinks you're really cool. Honest.

I never suggested they were quoting the magazine - in fact the entire point of the citation was to show that The Telegraph, a prominent UK publication used the phrase "load of crock" to mean nonsense. Thus showing the phrase is accepted as meaning such around the world, and thus is a well known idiom (even if you

I'm going to assume you didn't actually read the article considering you apparently missed the part where they use the phrase in exactly the way I was describing (as a synonymous expression for nonsense): "Now a team of experts at Which? magazine has claimed the practice is a load of crock having carried out a series

Yes, I'm aware of the phrase "crock of shit". "load of crock" is also a phrase, one that combines "load of bullshit" with "crock of shit" to create an absurdist measurement that's all quantity without any notion of substance. It may just be a colloquial idiom from the polite Midwest where people are too fakely polite