Lex Walker

The media is just trying to ready you for our inevitable future of news footage of glaciers melting every day.

Yes and no: time must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards inevitable darkness.

Yeah it had an odd level of sophistication that it was smart enough to know shrapnel is deadly but instead of applying that idea logically decided it REALLY liked it when shrapnel killed people and so gave it magical powers to go through walls to complete its horrific destiny.

The maniacal, maniacal laughter.

Except it was often shrapnel flakes going through huge walls that were 2 feet of rock. Hence the absurdity.

Ha, we totally should have done that. It was just so amusing when we inexplicably dropped dead and some random player got credit for it.

Rockets and Grenade Launcher matches always devolved into a mindset of "I don't care if I die if it means I get to kill you too."

She might have been present in the bar after his big exposition speech, but yeah, no one-on-one or actual dialogue.

Elastic waistband is key. People underestimate how much proper bloodflow to the nether regions affects your strategy. I've done studies.

Yeah, his character was definitely underwritten in World's End, really just an exposition machine to fill in some gaps before letting the action get back underway. Dalton's role in Hot Fuzz was so much better.

Unless another player had also picked up a set of hands, in which case all bets were off!

A high score is nothing compared to the feeling of power granted by deciding the fates of redshirts. THE POWWWEEERRRRRR!

How do these AVClub conversations always end up on the subject of Pierce Brosnan's penis? Or am I misunderstanding the euphemism "fucking peak"?

I…I think we just call the latter "bands"? Am I…am I saying that right?

That makes sense, I knew I played a text-entry version when I was really young. I think the anthology release had it as a point and click interface though and that's the version I'd played most recently. Yeah, the text-based ones were so frustrating, especially when you had to type a command in a very little time

Look at big man Mr. Greene over here, Mr. UhNoFillingtheDishwasherHasNeverGivenMeTheTetrisSweats Greene. Think you're something special eh?

YES - it's why Hurt Locker gave me flashbacks.

Combine that with thinking you're being so clever at placing a mine on the ceiling only to not notice you've just walked over one on the floor. It was a humbling experience.

Maybe 1 hit kills with slapping only. It felt like a Monty Python sketch.