Lex Walker

I doubt the other guy would give me the time needed to dig him up anyways.

I wonder if seeing himself on the screen disoriented him.

never bring a cliche to an idiom fight

I loved one-hit kills + proximity mines only.

Was the Star Trek parody text adventure game Space Quest? Because those games were hilarious (on par with Monkey Island and much more frustratingly difficult) and worth trying again.

I think you're thinking of Mario is Missing. I loved that game.

I tried that and my blender gained sentience. Thanks a lot.

Assuming the hanging involves your belt around a doorknob. Or wait, are you suggesting that extreme Autoerotic asphyxiation was the death sentence of choice in the wild west?

If tomorrow would stay dead, I wouldn't have to.

Do you like fishsticks in your mouth?



"Even if this silly comment was true, the lives of all the whales that would have been captured and forced to perform will be saved"

You love men from two different realms? Does that make you bifrostual?

He misunderstood, a lot of fans are gay for Loki.

I was wondering why that man with a recorder just went running by.

So your boners do a lot of sampling?

Is somebody watching the Inception trailer?

Simpler than Boner Time? Impossible.

He should just have a nice BLT changwich and he'll feel better,