Lex Walker

::President Rocket plunges hand through joke's chest and pulls out its still-beating heart:: FATALITY!!!

Keep in mind, Sony is based in Japan. They're not as far out of N. Korea's retaliation (weak though it may be) range.

Just his address? At least he won't have to chang his number.

The Krilling


Haven't we all wanted to just swear off all Chordatas at some point in our lives? Pretty sure that's why "going chord-less" is such a big movement right now.

What? You couldn't be bothered to look up the taxonomic name for planes? Lazy. Flyus Apparatus

CSI: Crime Sea Finvestigation

Assuming McBarnacle doesn't go along for the ride.

NYPD Deep Blue Sea


Sharksky & Munch

Chompicide: Life on the Reef


Finally a detective show I can sink my teeth into.

You say "blame" I think you mean "thank"

Or a version of the Brady Bunch theme that's only half as long.

Hey now, Rwandan stand-up comedy is some of the best out there, when they have the nourishment required to stand.

My irrational brain says on the internet, those things are equal.

Agent Fourthseason Sweepstwist. Look, not all of our parents were clever.