Lex Walker

I'd watch the documentary about that. Maybe even watch the viral video sensation: "Guillotine Cures Cancer-Ridden Batman Kid In a Way"

I'm not sure if having fish sticks in your freezer makes you a gay fish, the Jeffrey Dahmer of fish, maybe.

Unless it's both. A Bratwurst Ratner Book maybe possibly yes?

And don't forget, three eyes on every fish.

Look, I didn't make the schedule.We'll compromise: 1 weenie between every pair of boobies we see.

Maybe to Boobies. If there's time. After weenies.

tl;dr, but if it was divided into three parts on Twitter…

Why isn't your computer on at all times? HOW DID YOU GET FREE?!

But you still have Zoidberg. YOU ALL STILL HAVE ZOIDBERG!!!

Why don't you all just call it by it's actual name: beer tea?

This is always true.

I'm not judging, I just wanted to make sure people knew what to expect. Clearly I've tried it.

Sure, if you like the velvety feel of cat videos and memes on your genitalia.

Even though it wasn't designed to do so, it probably still works better when hooked up to an NES than the Power Glove.

"Challenge accepted!" - Zack Snyder

I do, and it was then followed by a frantic scramble for cover at which point I either ran off a ledge or into a clearer line of fire for those snipers.

That ending was deep.

And JP only kicked ass because it was a mix of puppets and CGI.


Sorry, Bible/Torah/Qu'ran/etc.