Lex Walker

bow chicka whoa whoa stop

What are you trying to pull on us?

Rarely known fact: Han Solo spoke jive.

It was made all the better when they expanded on it by spinning off the Mandalorian Wars (that Boba Fett trilogy).

Unless you're the Tick, old chum, in which case every day is a happy ending! SPOON!

It was that movie which actually turned me off the series until maybe season two when people were like "It's actually, surprisingly good." So I caught up…and then let it fall by the wayside. I keep meaning to finish it out, but TV has gotten super good.

There was nothing worse than just cruising through that spaceport level, chopping people and shooting people to bits and then BLAM insta-death by disintegration sniper. FRUSTRATED NOISES!

Took me forever to realize that if you fly ahead of the the little walkers and just destroy as much as possible in the first 30-40 seconds before they encounter any enemies, then the level is a cakewalk. Failed maybe 50 times before I discovered how easy it could be though.

It won't bother you 4-lom, you'll get over it some day.

Rick died on the way back to his home planet.

I think Abrams is geek enough that he'll try to work in the existing stuff (where possible) for fan-service.

Yeah, I don't think they're going to consciously delete worlds from the universe, the question really is if they'll just choose to arbitrarily create new ones instead of using those existing ones in key places like backstories, etc.

"The scene between Yoda and Dooku that leads into the climax of the book captures the sort of electricity and human drama that was so sorely lacking in the prequel films."

I loved the Inferno theme of that entire book. Genuinely one of the best things to come out of that Vong stuff.

What about Zuckuss, he was just an asthmatic coward.

"A centaur jedi? Really?"
"Pfft, no one's ever gonna read- What's that you say? Our throwaway characters are being drafted into a bloody intergalactic conflict to be used as fodder for off-screen deaths?"
"Serves you right."

Hey now, give 4-LOM and Zuckuss their due

But instead…YOU ALL DIE NOW. And now back to Luke in the studio. Luke?

John Ratzenberger playing against type (and it'd be a nice nod to his cameo in ESB)

Yup. I know exactly the moment you're referring to. That was a goddamn gut punch.