Lex Walker

Or you could get out of my dreams and into my car.

Whoa, he's gonna fight someone in a fight?! Is this like the inception of fights?!

How hard did you laugh at Pa Kent vs. the tornado? That's the real test of enjoyment for MoS.

Brando Calrissian, the cool one.

Oh, he is going to be so disappointed. He really liked not being dead.

For shame, whatever happened to the silent nobility of promoting one's own exploitative tell-all book in the privacy of their own home?

I didn't even know Dave Foley was dead.

And Pastafarianism. How can you even think about touching a child when there is such glorious pasta to be had?

Peacock…is Mustard. Mustard…is….PEACOCK! ::Proceeds to toilet plunge own face:::

Am I the only one who thought he looked like Guy Pearce during the leaf blower into the face bit?

Because those Sorry studios would rather play it safe than take a Risk and try for Perfection.

Stiffy Twister just sounds painful. Why would anyone make a party for that?

But…if there's nothing in the box…where's Paltrow's head?

He played it too safe in the Christ rock genre, not a single cross-over hit to speak of.

That already happens if you step inside a Walgreens/Duane Reade/CVS, where Cadbury Creme eggs are apparently no longer seasonal.

I shall author a bill forthwith and with due haste to have Congress voting to adopt the new Freshenmeyer calendar. With any luck, it will become the new standard by year's end in time for Calendar companies to use it as their guide for 2015.

Then why not reorganize your drawer of assorted lengths of wire?

Rarely is compensation across various fields based on the amount of effort expended. You could be the hardest working schmo in the world, but if you suck at your job or what you do doesn't produce results valued in the market place it doesn't matter. Software engineers are paid more because what they create has a

I want to say #FirstMarsProblems but that can't be right, unless you're a robot.

I'm sorry his full title is "Visionary Michael Bay, King of CGI and Lord of Fire"