
the nation that nearly had to be cancelled because of half of Janet Jackson’s left nipple must be protected from outright filth like Bluey! What if it distracted children from shooting their teachers?  Won’t someone think of the children??

it’s a toddler-accessible cartoon, of course it was never going to be as “bad” as the ban made it seem

Aww babe, thank you!

As if I’d get advice on taste from someone in Arizona. 

Because the wheels are already done.

You’re effectively saying “The thing you’ve done is shitty, and I don’t like it. Why didn’t you do it a way I like?”

Because I did it a way I like. 

A new Peter Beagle novel is always cause for celebration.

This is usually where I post my (very rough) rankings and (very brief) reviews of all the Hugo and nebula nominated novels.

Its actually worse somehow.

“Do you know what happens to ___ when struck by lightning?” Wasn’t supposed to be the recurring line. Toad was supposed to taunt his enemies by asking, “Do you know what happens?” questions throughout the film. So Storm’s, “Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?” Was supposed to mock that

It will always crack me up that the only two holdovers from Joss Whedon’s earlier script he wrote are the absolute worst line in the film... and the absolute best:

As much as I agree that the Jim Lee uniforms would not translate well to live action 100%, (esp Jean Grey’s costume) the what were you expecting line was just dumb. Still not the dumbest line in the movie.

Goddamn, please don’t write “New” along “Gravity Falls” and/or “Owl House” in the same title! (Unless there are actually new Gravity Falls or Owl House episodes in production)

Jinkx is a Hocus Pocus superfan, so on that level it’s not surprising, just that the production leaned into it with Jinkx’s costume design.

The Seventh Doctor hinted that he was more than just a Time Lord, but only after Andrew Cartmel came onboard as script editor, and the show was canceled before Cartmel could implement most of his planned story arc.

When I said “hard Sci-Fi” I probably should have said “cautionary Sci-Fi.”
I was thinking more along the lines of the Kit Peddler stuff from the 60's, and Robert Holmes/Chris Boucher scripts from the 70's. Ark in Space and Robots of Death being the classic examples.

I think the closest Doctor Who has got to actual


RTD has, rather unfortunately, always leaned more towards Harry Potter than Hammer Horror or hard sci-fi (i.e. Doctor Who at it’s best), where it’s all loosely strung together spectacle and wonder, where you just kind of casually toss an explanation over your shoulder as to why the baddie is suddenly turning everybody

My main problem with 2005- Who is that the showrunners tend to treat the Doctor as a kind of demigod, as opposed to just an extremely resourceful and intelligent person who happens to be a time-traveling alien. I never thought of the old Doctor as a Chosen One-type savior figure, just someone who enjoyed mucking

Audiences tend to agree on whether a character was interesting or not and on which are the good stories. Blink being an example of an interesting character and good story in a one-off episode.

part of his “new tradition” of “having gods at war on screen.”

“a maleficent god” and “a deity with daddy issues,”