
Is the “like you’ve never seen it before” because in every single image their feet are at least partially cut off like Rob Liefeld did the art?

Pattern Recognition is a very perfect novel, plus it draws attention to a fascinatingly overlooked part of the modern human condition, with Cayce’s reactions to brands/imagery. My reactions to them obviously aren’t as extreme as hers, but I very much recognised the feelings, and even the specific branding/imagery she

I notice the Ahsoka series had a bit where Ahsoka is very clear that the Force isn’t hereditary, and that everyone can potentially use it (TLJ had similar implications), so I suspect Filoni etc. are keen to move away from that, but Abrams, a deeply unimaginative man, was keen to reinforce it.

Let’s be clear that that’s because:

“Please just give us a show where likeable, competent people mostly do good things.”

It actually looks a lot more expensive than Ahsoka when the show is actually going - but I would have agreed looking at stills.

He’s literally credited as a padawan. He’s a Jedi. He’s just not as very good Jedi - like an awful lot of Jedi in this era, especially in backwater areas like this, where the Jedi Temple isn’t really around much to enforce behaviour codes more narrowly (and that enforcement can create its own problems). Also let’s be

The Jedi of this era insist on training anyone who is Force-sensitive, if their parents will hand them over, so you’ll get a lot of slightly more um, oaf-ish Jedi.

Too soon.

“who isn’t actively making things worse”

There are a relatively huge number of Jedi, I forget how many but it’s a lot, and there isn’t really a cap because they want essentially all Force users who they find at the right age to train as Jedi. That age is pretty young though and obviously not everyone is willing to hand over their kids to some mystical

Yeah this is exactly right. Yord is representative of the problems of the Jedi of the era. They’re inflexible and increasingly obsessed with order and hierarchy and following some increasingly dodgy precepts they’re still developing (c.f. attachment, or the age at which candidates can be accepted). He fits in to that

This a supposed shining age for the Jedi, they should have have any issue with recruitment”

There are actually a bunch outside the US. Just not official Disney or Star Wars ones.

You’re one of the most transparently shallow and fake posters I’ve encountered for a while, dude, in your posting style at least. Like you keep saying you have these obviously fake feelings (sadness, concern, etc.) but your behaviour shows *very definitely* don’t feel, for example, “genuinely concerned”, because

You’re so profoundly stupid. Like actually dimwitted. You can’t even remember your own arguments and you’re lying about your feelings in a really pathetic and demented way.

One has to think that’s the intention.

They’re vastly less fugly/creepy than Funko pops, and probably cheaper too, so there’s that.

Well no not really imho. That’s a misunderstanding of the same kind the leads people to think that Aragorn is a purely heroic figure. He’s not. Tolkien himself in another letter actually compared Aragorn to Sauron, calling him “Sauron in miniature” or something to that effect, not trying to imply he was evil per se,

One hopes so. Losing her would be fundamentally misunderstanding what’s going on.