
I’m wondering now if you’re just a bigot trying to find excuses for your bigotry.

Vague but not have been the best word. More like “broad”, in that the allegory can work simultaneously for many minorities, because, opression ad othering tends to function the same way no matter shst characteristic you use fo distinguish the in-group from the out-group. Like, even AIDS was an intersectional tragedy -


It is a MASSIVE game. The odds of it not having issues at launch were slim.

“thousands of issues”

I mean, as you described it, yeah. Minor. Especially compared to how much more there is to celebrate with this title.

I first played it back when it came out for PC in August and while act 3 was notably laggier and sometimes there would be odd pauses in battles or weird quality of life issues, even back then I wouldn’t have described it as broken or unfinished. And subsequent patches seem to have no only resolved things but refined

I have a couple hundred hours into this game now and may have encountered one “game breaking” bug that required me to go back to the latest autosave. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, plenty of people like you attest that it does and I have no reason to doubt it. Of your points the only part I personally experienced

Interesting. Cuz if we’re going on “feels”, it “feels” like you ran into a few issues in the early days of the release that have since been patched. I ran into a couple of annoying Act 3 bugs on my initial playthrough but have played it twice since and had none of the same problems. I’ve had a literal huge amount of

I haven’t encountered any of these crazy bugs. I played the game 5-6 time start to end in different playthroughs.

TSA “only inconveniences people”

I’ve bought the game twice- once on PC and again on PS5 to enable easier couch co-op with my fiancé. The love and effort they put into this game is amazing. They’ve also made roughly a billion dollars in sales.

I think the gate agents actually enjoy when something off nominal happens, adds some spice to the day

Getting past the security checkpoint is one thing, but how the hell do you get on the plane without a ticket? I mean they scan all of the boarding passes on your way onto the plane.

I could see finding a way around a bored or indifferent TSA agent.  But how do you get on the plane without a boarding pass??

I mean... The 60s/70s were also a very different time than even the 90s or 00s...

The TSA is pretty much just a waste of money that only inconveniences people and can’t even do its own job at this point.

Galactus should be a Thanos level threat.

Jeff Sneider claims that Galactus is the villain Marvel will build the Fantastic Four movie around, with Javier Bardem allegedly being considered for the role

Do you think that the writers actually have any control over Kotaku technical limitations? Or that a game journalist shouldn’t talk about technical issues with the game he’s reviewing? This rationale makes no sense to me.