
I wish there were some way to organize items by effect. If I want to talk to kitties, I shouldn’t have to tooltip over all 3 bazillion spells to find my talk to kitties potion.

Also “When did Palpatine find time to fuck?” is kind of absurd. Like he is going to have to scheme and plan it out, like taking out the Jedi. His plan to fuck was called order 69, and he only accomplished it once after 30 years of trying.

I think Venom was elevated just that little bit by Tom Hardy being funny. The movies weren’t all that great(the second one was especially dopey) but I liked his performance in both

Batman Returns has one magnificent scene though - the conservation between Bruce and Selina at the masked ball. That one scene is a hundred orders of magnitude better than the rest of the movie. 

Ah, you young people... You probably don’t remember, but once there was a thing called “Superman IV: The Quest for Peace”. I actually paid to watch that in a theater, at Christmas Day no less...

Trust me it was terrible.  Each seat used to have ash trays, then the airlines decided to move a non-smoking section up front, thus the rear smokers.  Think about going NY to LA next to smoker, in a 707 no less.  Yet even worse was the smoking train cars in the NYC area where the entire car was smoke filled.  Side

Yeah, they definitely made tons of money. And hey, I’m a guy that grew up reading 90s comics and loved Venom, so I’m not generally opposed to the character. But I watched both of those movies more or less agape that this is actually the best that Sony has managed to do. Morbius was shockingly bad, and Kraven can’t

Yep, this is the type of thing where institutional knowledge of a tedious but simple process gets lost when people leave, and then BOOM.

It very much strikes me as the type of thing someone got an exception for and then treated as though it were uniform instead of a specific run. Odds are, someone did all the documentation for the specific request and then someone else made an internal document that said “we are exempt,” then no one looked back until

I think Superman IV was actually significantly worse than Supergirl.

If Keith David Keith were recast as Kang, the world would explode (I personally think a more reasonable replacement would be John Boyega, but thats just me).

B&R is dumb but it’s never boring to look at. I’ll give it that. (And I honestly think that Forever is a decent if campy Batman movie.)

The first time I flew to Italy in 1996 there were people standing in the back of the plane having a smoke. It was such a different time to fly compared to now. I can’t imagine what it was like the the 60's and 70's.  But at least back then people were dressed nicely for their flights. 

I thought the consensus were Catwoman or Elektra

Madame Web looks like a great entry into the classic genre of ‘movie that’s on cable on a Sunday afternoon that I’m half watching when I’m doing laundry and various chores’

That’s that fallout of 2015 Secret Wars comic, so I expect it to be the same in the MCU version. Although, I think people are turning on the multiverse stuff so much that Disney might have to speed up the timeline.

This shot of Deadpool in the snowy forest... I think this is Sokovia during the opening of Age of Ultron.

I love me some alliteration as well, but I would’ve gone with Multiversal Mayhem, as that is much more front and center than the mutants. Sad there’s no sign of Domino in here, she was great in Deadpool 2.

This decade’s Snakes On A Plane? (TBH I haven’t seen either)