
Fuck the fucking pinkerton scum, they should all be put in jail, the people at the head of it forever. Leaks aren’t great, but fuck the fucking pinkertons.

Since when have groups of armed thugs ever needed legal authority to intimidate people?

Makes me wonder how they operate in “stand your ground” states.

I’ll give it wotc. Effective tactic (scumbags!) If they simply sent this guy a strongly worded letter, he would have likely contacted legal counsel and decided to fight this or let it go.

That would have been an interesting article to read! I imagine it really could go any direction at all if they did get the deputies involved.

They don’t really have any, but someone shows up at your day with legal statues and threatens lawsuits can be pretty convincing when you just dropped a youtube video about unreleased content.

Pinkertons whining about being portrayed as villains in fiction is just so hilarious to me. Hey, maybe stop still being villains in the modern day first, assholes.

I think it’s more just threatening and intimidating people who don’t know their rights. Even the article said the detectives would have to bring the Sheriff in for any meaningful action. 

I find myself more than a little puzzled as to what legal authority a private security company has to detain a home owner on their own property?  The Pinkertons have been around for a long time, so presumably there’s something, but to an uninformed layperson there seems a qualitative difference between detaining

wahhh it’s actually a moral failing if you get mad at me for being a bigot

that’s exactly my point. you have the freedom to choose. i hope that we choose not to support rowling.

If I learned anything from the ...gate.... never underestimate the ability for online bigots to organize.

our loss tbh

no journalist is completely unbiased. i do my best to be as unbiased as possible when writing news and investigations.

Scanning the comments, good lord...did JK post a link to r/TERF?

this is an op-ed. 

it is a genuinely helpful tool for my career and how i connect with a great deal of my audience, find leads, and pursue stories. it is not a luxury item, hobby, or entertainment. i can fully admit that my use of twitter is deeply shitty, morally speaking, and if i had a better option i would use it. i think that we

You’re comparing apples to oranges. This isn’t being caught on a hot mic or making a single statement, this is a prolonged campaign of unapologetic bigotry. 

Oh my god do they pray.

Do they pray every day for revolution?