
Agreed, 100% this has to happen. 

What gets me is that blast there is still a metric ****-ton of unused thermal and kinetic energy that could have been captured with the right launch-pad design (lots and lots of channels and heat-transfer elements)...and then maybe even used to convert some of the released gasses *back* into rocket fuel.

The launch pads at Canaveral are built up on big mounds of earth, the flame trenches are basically at ground level.  Looks like this was a corner that got cut in the interest of speed and cost, and I guess one of the lessons learned from this is that there are still very valid reasons to stick with certain things from

This is the International Red Cross. I haven’t heard bad things about them like I have about the American Red Cross.

“All of those people I ritually sacrificed to my gods were willing participants! Yes, they were previously prisoners of war, but they eagerly converted to my faith, repented their crimes, were released, and then volunteered their blood!

I think I’m missing some context, mind elaborating?

At the very least, this should have some sort of positive effect, right?

But yeah, otherwise we need to encourage more people to think critically about the media they consume AND the institutions spearheading humanitarian campaigns. 

*looks at my 502 hours played in Crusader Kings*

There were so many cool things they could have done, like had Gideon use a Force power at the last moment, perhaps surprising even himself and revealing he was a clone too and the real Gideon is still out there - but no!

It was reminiscent of BoBF’s finale where so much was happening all at once that some of it seemed to make no sense after editing.

It felt super prequel trilogy in how goofy it was but to be honest I was so fine with it. Star Wars has been so terrified to make ANYTHING feel like Ep 1-3 these past years that seeing something as whimsical as those cameos and scenes was a weirdly acceptable breath of fresh air haha

like had Gideon use a Force power at the last moment, perhaps surprising even himself and revealing he was a clone too and the real Gideon is still out there

It’s a pity because she seems truly delightful, and the fact that both she and her husband are in very popular Trek properties is really cool.

I’ll never understand GeoBlocking trailers in this day and age,especially when the show is on the same streaming service now internationally.

At least have the Armorer give him the short, short version like the priest in Spaceballs 

Here is a question. Why is Din Djarin helmet wet after the kid takes the oath? He walks up and puts Grogu down, and he helmet is wet. Did he also retake the oath and they just didn’t show it?

Agreed my dude! What did the Lurmen episode add to the clone wars at the end of the day? Not much its just world building fun. Welcome to Star Wars.

Remember Lizzo? Did those really add much in the end?

Lets just say that pilot never made it to series.

Thanks to COVID, a lot of TTRPG’s, board games, and gamebooks have all pivoted to include solo modes.