
So Mulder/Scully/Reggie are all retired. The X-files have been basically closed, and then the US Navy Pilots and a few interested senators start seeing weird crap and decide to start a new program informed by project blue book and the work of Mulder/Scully etc.. I think it could work. Nod to the old series but don’t

Rumor is that scenes set on the Enterprise will be live action and scenes set on the Cerritos will be animated. The voice actors from Lower Decks will play “themselves” in the live action sequences.

I want to believe that if anyone could nail it, it’s Coogler.

100% agree. 

They’re not unfounded given the way the US and specific states tend to take a mediocre to bad idea and run all the way down the field into the ULTRA TERRIBLE DISASTER ZONE so they can score a truly horrible idea touchdown. This is the US we’re talking about, not a sane country.

How to destroy a political party 101 - Follow the democratic party from 2008-present.

Oh, I agree — the character of Darius and Methos were some of the greatest character creations in genre, imo (especially given the lore), so there’s a much, much wider piece of the pie you can utilize if you go with the TV series mythology.

If they even get this to exist (legislating it doesn’t make the technology to do it magically exist) I can’t wait to see the shitstorm the first time someone dies or gets hurt because a false lockout prevents them from using their vehicle in a genuine emergency. 

My interlock absolutely picked up mouthwash.

Delivery driver here.  I’d have to blow into it like 100 times a day.

Nowhere in the law, or the article, does it even intimate that something such as this would be the case.

I just cannot think of a scenario in which any of this tech works well enough to be seamless (or even functional and effective) in three years. That’s an incredibly short timeframe to develop, test, and integrate this technology into new cars. Sure. I can’t wait for this glitchy tech to leave me stranded, stone-cold

So they are basically mass producing newly minted republicans , if this dumbass idea ever goes into effect. 

Oh good. I’m sure if it needs to be replaced it’ll be cheap and easy to get to, but of course that won’t be necessary because it won’t ever malfunction and delay you let alone fail and strand you entirely. Maybe they can integrate it with driver assist so if it detects anything it thinks is alcohol it can just pull

Wait until it won’t allow your car to start because you are at a filling station and ethanol fuel vapors are in the air.

Sure, I understand all that, I just don’t understand “they don’t pick up mouth wash at all.”

Have to calibrate it monthly, too...   $$

Is it 100% guaranteed to only detect alcohol and nothing else? Like if someone spits out mouth wash, walks outside, and their car won’t start. 

I get the reasoning for having something like this. Absolutely 100% get it.

Is the idea that this is on all the time and must be used every time you start your car, or is this a replacement for the in-car breathalyzers they give to people with DUIs?