
Even most people who read the books come away with the hilarious facile impression that Tom Bombadil is just a cheery joke-y guy who is maybe kind of powerful.

You’re literally changing the goalposts whilst complaining about changing the goalposts and showing you don’t even understand what you’re sad. More stupid than sad in your case. Your “Marvel boosted theatres” argument actually destroys your own claim, genius. Yeah, maybe they did, but as you can see, non-Marvel movies

No. Look at how much other films made in 2005. Compare to War of the Worlds.

You seem awfully butthurt for a man claiming this stuff. How’s the divorce going?

You’re genuinely a stupid person, if you think we should listen to you, but not to other people who’ve gone, because we didn’t go ourselves. You really need to figure out very basic logic.

The fuck is wrong with you? It didn’t make enough money to be considered a “hit” in any meaningful way. That’s not a complicated idea.

It would be classic old-man movie-maker style to go back and carefully ruin beloved properties which he made when he had significantly more verve, drive, and talent, and was asking more of himself, and being asked more by the studio.

It was pretty crap. No-one is smoking anything. Your rose-tinted specs are completely blinding you though.

No, claiming 2005 is absolutely correct. It’s a not a binary where a movie is a hit or a flop - Ready Player One was neither. Had it been made by another director I suspect it would have been an outright flop - Spielberg’s star power as it were helped a mediocre and confused movie.


Claiming your wife did this:

You’re an embarrassing moron outing your own ignorance here. It’s quite impressive. On paper it was precisely for people like Jenny, and contemptuously calling a hyper-fan like her an “influencer” shows what a piece of shit you, personally, are.

Yeah this. Concept good. Holly Hunter great. 32nd century least relevant, least meaningful Trek setting so blehhhhh.

Honestly the 32nd century setting is a dealbreaker for me. It’s just not an interesting or compelling or relevant setting. It’s actually astonishing that they managed to create a new setting that’s considerably less relevant and relatable to the 21st century than Trek from 25+ years ago.

Great. Now I’m going to be extremely sad if I don’t get to see lightsaber escrima at some point. I hadn’t even considered it, but that’s just an amazing idea.

More likely the other way around in that someone heard that ludicrous nonsense and decided to base a movie on because they thought it was an amazingly insane idea.

Hawley’s previous shows are the only reason I haven’t written the TV show off, personally. In terms of plot and ideas it sounds like basically it’s treading the same ground as various late ‘80s and early ‘90s Alien/Aliens comics, which thought they had big ideas but were pretty bad, but he’s done very strong and

About 30-50% of “horror movies” aren’t really horror movies by a “this genuinely has to primarily be about scaring/disgusting people” standard. If you make a thriller and give it a supernatural theme, it’ll inevitably be classed as a horror movie. The Mummy is derived from a horror movie and is certainly

I think it’s fair to say there are probably more people who are actively seeking to murder random people approaching their their house than in previous eras, not even for profit, but for demented kudos with their Facebook friends (because let’s be real, they’re not using any other social network at that age) and to

Honestly this is probably a good thing for viewers and Netflix and possibly even Destiny.