
LOL https://gizmodo.com/fallout-season-2-renewed-prime-video-bethesda-new-vegas-1851420918

Their business model is atrocious, I definitely would not disagree there.

Yeah, and they could come to your house and hand you a crisp £5 note too, but that’s about as likely as a company operating like you fantasize.

Maybe you should have R’d? Because you basically have the situation upside-down. The real issue is chud fans, not the company.

LOL dude they’re already planning filming the second season - https://variety.com/2024/biz/news/california-film-tv-tax-incentive-fallout-amazon-1235963577/

Sure, but that’s absolutely not the approach anyone has taken so far, so that’s extremely theoretical. And I think unlikely.

The trouble with not dropping it all at once is that shows that take a weekly model typically only give reviewers 1-3 episodes to look at. If Fallout was reviewed on the basis of the first 3 episodes, it would have got much, much worse reviews than it actually did. I know people like to pretend the whole thing was

So I disagree but not perhaps for the expected reasons.

It's just rightism disguised as "both sides". This is really obvious from who the movie thanked.

The movie thanks Andy Ngo, the notorious alt-right moron and Helen Lewis, the ultra-TERF. It also uses footage provided by Ngo.

Your point doesn’t stand. You should actually read stuff rather than just getting your opinions from TikTok mate.

Yeah Ubisoft can really be all over the place on this, a similar formula leading to some stuff that’s been quite fun and engaging to utter tedium, and it’s very hard to even guess which is the case without reviews. I’m kind of hoping this is more story and less open-world than previously, but I guess we’ll see.

I don’t think it’s the result of low effort - I suspect it’s either design-by-committee (which isn’t always bad, but often tends towards a very “middle of the road” look) or the art director is exceptionally staid ideas-wise!

There’s something a bit off about them - like they’re using a simplified lighting model that doesn’t quite work or something - the textures seem to be there.

Sickos” reclaimed as potentially affectionate ever since the popularity of the the “Yes Haha YES” comic on The Onion.

This is the only possible explanation. Nobody wanted to be the “Dune wormfucker guy”, which is, frankly who you might have become in their eyes if you pointed this out and they didn’t immediately agree.

Or fucking Band-Aids that are different flesh colors.”

One such trend is the idea that presenting a negative idea, even fictionally, means you must believe in it yourself.”

Julia Garner is great (I mean honestly she was the best thing about Ozark), though that is a hilarious mental image. She was also amazing in Inventing Anna and good in Dirty John.

Yeah this is another classic thing which was “woke” in the 1960s being accused of “going woke” 60 years later, right up there with Star Trek. Did they somehow miss Black Panther (1966) and the X-Men and so on?