
This picture is absolutely amazing and I love it.

It’s just the newest replacement for whatever misogynistic/racist/homophobic slur they actually want to use. You saw this with them talking about the “DEI mayor of Baltimore” when they clearly meant the n-word. SJW and then Woke got worn out so they moved on.

Jesus wept dude. Are you so stuck in the Trump-o-sphere that you’ve already made the switch from “woke” to “DEI” as a euphemistic replacement for your desire to use “bitch”, the f-word or the n-word. How long did it take you stop using “SJW” and switch to “woke” before that?

That’s a fair and interesting question. First off, I very much can’t claim to be psychic re: the US populace. I never expected Trump to get in. I didn’t expect Qanon to take off as a conspiracy theory - I honestly thought it was too dumb and would never go beyond chemtrails levels of popularity. And I thought Jan 6th

Yeah it’s pretty funny how American commentators absolutely love, love, love to scream “LIBEL!!!!” about any kind of mild insulting suggestion or comment made or implied by an article, when it’s nearly impossible, relative to the rest of the West, to prove libel in the US. It goes all the way up - Trump used to love

“The point of the movie is too satirize current day race relations using this alt history that was made up.”

Having a functioning, wealthy and and high-tech slave-state would require the world to be extremely racist (compared to the real world, which is already quite racist but nowhere near the level needed) and approving of slavery, including Asia and a bunch of post-colonial nations. It’s a particularly stupid form of

Powerful - no that’s easy to do without glorifying. Badass can very easily become glorification, depending on the villains and their ideology (if they even have one), and what exactly you’re doing. So badass is much more dangerous ground.

“I remember the first, and plenty of alt-history does stuff like that.”

To be fair, even when/if the books come out I won’t have proof of that, because you’d reasonably be able to argue that maybe GRRM changed the ending of the books in response to the reception of whatever-the-hell-that-was in S8 (whether that was a clumsy but point-hitting speedrun of what he actually wanted, or just

Which roles?

LOL. This is pretty funny revisionism on your part but it’s nothing more than that.

what we got in seasons 7 and 8 might well have been the best anyone could reasonably hope for.”

The reason the shit-storm started for Confederate is because they and some other people working on the show described it in some detail, and it was looking pretty gross - among other things:

That’s untrue. It got long past “early development”, and indeed it stayed in development for nearly three years, with various people, including these two wankers insisting it was still a good idea. Only Charlottesville really knocked it on the head, and not even immediately then.

right-wingers would be attacking it as “woke propaganda””

The other problem here is that 95% of the people responding to you have absolutely no clue whatsoever as to what Confederate was planned to actually be about and like. They seem to think it would be some modern take on 12 Years A Slave or something. In fact as I imagine you remember, it was going to be some insane

I think whatever they do they need to go cheaper and riskier. You could have three white men in a movie but if it was as boring and expensive and contrived as The Marvels you’d probably get a similar flop. Just looking back to the ‘90s through ‘10s you see a lot of much whiter and male-er movies flopping with

That’s fascinating. Why do you get significantly different prices on those sites, even with the exact same parameters for the flight? Just to try and get you to click around and see more ads?

Honest question - why do you have to do the setup repeatedly?