
My caring level had been going down until I went to a friend's house with an aged but excellent sound system and my god it sounded glorious compared to what I'd gotten used to.

That’s such an amazing Tiktok era attitude. Incredible. I know “kids today” don’t value or listen to music the way Millennials and the before did, but the same people who weep about a few hundred for an amp and a couple of okay speakers will happily buy a new iPhone every couple of years or so for more than that, or

What is wrong with you, honestly lol?

Very different is good. I am pretty scared about how extremely random the selection of writers and directors is, and how little Headland is writing/direction (1 and 2 episodes respectively). But yes don’t be like Filoni/Favreau’s incredibly turgid and rubbish live-action stuff.

I will say this. At least we’re not looking at another Filoni or Favreau joint who, despite previous good works before live-action Star Wars TV (and I guess Mandalorian S1 if we’re being kind), I don’t think should be allowed to do any more live-action SW TV ever again. Under any circumstances.

It looks likely to be a bit of a mess to me. It’s visually attractive, style-wise. I know I like a lot of the cast. The quality of the sets and costumes seems to be fairly low, which is a bit weird but w/e. However, despite the excellent Leslye Headland, the actual directors and writer seem to be a completely random

More like 150 than a few hundred but otherwise yeah.

He’s wrong. The High Republic is 100 years before, not 1000. I’m not sure where either of you are getting that, but I’ve read the actual books, and it isn’t from them. You seem to both be confusing them with the Old Republic.

The High Republic books go from 150 to about 40 years before TPM, and whilst I don’t have the source to hand, my impression was this was more like at the 40 years end than the 150.

“Just like when no one complained when Colin Trevorrow got to reboot the Jurassic franchise hot on the heels of.... one indie film with a sub-$1M budget.”

Problem is... if they’d said that, they would be being a tad unreasonable.

You don’t need to spend “thousands of dollars” to hear the difference. You could spend a few hundred.

I’ll be real - I don’t think they could afford him. Man doesn’t have many years left, and he wants to spend them helping the planet as much as he can. I could see him doing it for tens of millions he could pass on to an environmental charity or the like, but probably not less than that.

As someone who played the original, I definitely get the complaint, and was a little disappointed they went with the exact same aesthetic as the 2012 original (just with a lot more polys and so on).

Incredible. I had no idea re: McDonald’s.

Wow I did not know Michael Dorn was in FO:NV as well as FO2, that’s amazing. Absolutely top-tier cast there.

I dunno about anyone else, but it’s absolutely wild to me, that when I was a little kid, I was watching Ian McShane on TV in Lovejoy, and he looked kind of old in that - he was older than my parents and looked it - I was 8, they were 38, he was 43.

Yeah that’s all true - I guess I was thinking more of the cosplayer situation.

Even beyond that, an “accurate” replica of the specific Elden Ring Zweihander would be a 7ft+ long item, so even considering it would be intentionally blunt, if it was made of metal, it would be hideously annoying and somewhat dangerous to other to carry around, and if it was made of resin or the like, because it’s so

Specifically women make good fighter pilots from a physical perspective because they are, on average, better at resisting g-forces than men - this is because they are, on average smaller and have higher blood pressure (I think there’s some other physiological factor I’m forgetting too). Also a lot of fighter aircraft