
“The X-Men have gone woke!!!” might be the only thing that can beat claims that “Star Trek has gone woke!!!” in terms of sheer insanity.

You know that these are genuinely good because you can immediately recognise all of them without even reading any associated text, even totally bizarre ones, like Tobey McGuire from Spider-Man 3 specifically! And Leon looks like Leon specifically, not a generic blonde white guy! Lae’zel was good enough that it took me

Which specific players and what specifically did they say? I’m not seeing any evidence that’s true, but maybe you really know more and can thus link and show what happened? Otherwise I assume you’re making this up, because this response doesn’t sound like one that would result from players “being shits to a dev”,

Oh for sure re: loud minorities of gamers, but with whining you’re at least getting information, that you can choose to act on or not, at your discretion - and to be real, I’ve been playing games online since 1996 (or even a little earlier), and it’s very, very rare that there’s “no smoke without fire”. Often there’s

Players being whiny is at least useful to you as a dev, even if it’s quite annoying. As entitled as they are, players don’t suddenly switch from “I‘m having a good time!” to whining for no reason. So whilst they may misidentify the cause of their whining, there will be a reason.

That’s not what happened though. This isn’t some harassed dev snapping. This is a couple of Reddit-tier smug twats deciding telling random people to “git gud” was cool AF. They weren't the lead designers or the like. People harassing devs deserve what they get. But whining because the game got drastically harder isn't

I think there’s a pretty big difference between people literally harassing the developer of a game by sending him horrible images and so on, and random devs (not even the lead ones) deciding to get into childish squabbles with the community.

Your entire argument is based on a very stupid assumption.

That’s largely right. People get used to X difficulty meaning something, and so if you change what it means, people dislike it, especially if the change is huge, as it was here. This is the equivalent of “normal” becoming “very hard”, as it were.

Devs likely damaged the long term popularity and success of their multiplayer game. If they kept doing it it they definitely would have. So yeah from the perspective of their business they 100% did something wrong. That’s why their boss was mad.

The problem here is that it’s a multiplayer game with a community.

The problem you’re ignoring here is that AA and AAA games are not the singular vision of an individual nor of a small team even, and the people on the team often have wildly varying takes about their own game. Takes which may particularly be at odds with the lead designers of the game. So if random Devs decide to “go

“That is quite literally science fiction. Apparently a genre of it you don’t like.”

None of the people who complained about MJ’s face in the Spider-Man games are pro-diversity, dude. They’re the same exact chuds who want every single female character to have long hair, delicate features, big boobs, be skinny, and have a tiny waist.

Sadly a very different kind of goon cave, I miss those guys, grew up listening to them, still think of them and Round the Horne often.

“A lot of new writers have gotten their toes wet by writing in this kind of genre.”

You’re presenting a purely 21st-century Protestant evangelical view on Christianity and Christ’s words, whether you understand you are or not. You’re absolutely delusional when calling other people “moderns”. You’re also confusing evangelist views and Christian Nationalist views. Not every evangelist is a Christian

Yeah and that’s what so bizarre in the context of Shepard. You spent the whole of three games arguing with people’s viewpoints and calling them on their bullshit. Even in ME3 Tuchanka and Rannoch are absolutely 100% about doing that. Hell, just minutes earlier you are refusing to take TIM at his word!

The actual ending basically asks that you accept the rationale and dilemma at face value.”

Yeah it’s a sad old tale, but never ceases to creep me out.