
I don’t think you’d need every cast member back to do a new season. I really like pretty much all of the cast, to be clear - it’s just not all those characters are essential - the same was true of TNG/DS9-era Star Trek of course. So long as you got the majority of them, you’d probably be fine.

It’s called a typo, bro.

Yeah it’s a weird one. I like a lot about it but there’s far too much meaningless combat for a turn-based game, and having to run face first into every encounter feels bizarre. The system is also both overcomplicated and entirely unbalanced, and whilst it might be loosely inspired by the TT RPG system it is clearly

You're assuming that it's true they were founded in 2010 though. Which seems unlikely. Lying about that to make 14, lame and insane as it might seem, is classic nazi loser shit.

It’s amazing how naive and just flatly ignorant people like you are of the Nazi love of dogwhistles. These aren't even particularly extreme examples. But go on, keep on pretending it's all a conspiracy that the game about gassing "rats" with 88 in the title is super above board.

TotK is not a strong example given it runs at 20-30 FPS and at 720-900p. It actually is a good demonstration of how little graphics can matter. So you’re really weakening your own argument there. Would TotK be better if it ran at 60 FPS and true 4K? Maybe, but not better by a huge amount. The reality is games designed

It’s a very strange situation. You’d think even if you did poop in the bathtub somehow, you’d clean it up, it wouldn’t be terribly difficult. In this case it seems like he’d have to not only not clean it up at the time, but then like, leave the room so housekeeping could find it.

Sure, but who has had time to review it properly? It’s an extremely long game that landed on December 7th (and doesn’t seem to have review copies, when realistically the last reviews are going to need to be in by like the 20th, what with people going off on break and so on. Non-completist playthroughs are routinely

I’m afraid you’re out of date on your Custodes lore.

I mean JRPGs developers have an extremely long history of making immensely perverse decisions that negatively impact the larger-view financial success of their projects, not limited to:

What do you mean, dude?

If you think “virtue signalling” was what was wrong with RoP and Witcher, you’re completely beyond help.

“People will think the Imperium are cool, they will think Exterminatus is cool.”

it’s like they hate money”

It will only get better”

Neither Venom movie is worse than WW84, that’s just a silly position. They’re dumb movies sure, but that’s distinct from being worse. Civil War is solidly better and I don’t even like Civil War very much. BvS is about equally bad.

It’s an incredibly bad movie. Like, it’s literally hard to believe how bad it is. I mean, it does capture somewhat of an ‘80s superhero vibe, but in a very “Superman IV” kind of way.

I mean, by the same “incurable Gen X brain token”, TFA was also an “emo-boy remake of A New Hope”, so that hardly seems like a particularly compelling criticism, and it certainly wasn’t the criticism people were making at the time. Including you.

Yeah, a version of Trevorrow’s script leaked, and it was really just “on par” with The Rise of Skywalker.

It’s not “ADD fans” that are your problem here, it’s the exact opposite. The constant repetition and long intros and so on are ideal for an audience who are only half-watching, and not really following closely, maybe even skipping episodes.