
The question boils down to whether this is a movie about Superman, or a movie set in Gunn’s DCU featuring Superman and several other costumed superheroes that just happens to give Superman the most screen time.”

Where are you getting this “cashless society” business and why does that mean “you can have anything at any time” to you? That’s not even true in Star Trek, so by your definition, Star Trek’s utopia isn’t a “cashless society”, because you can’t just say “I need a Galaxy-class starship, now!” or “I want an entire

Really the only thing I genuinely liked here was the choice of using trailer voice guy to do the voice-over, which gave it a very 1990s or early 2000s vibe.

What is a “straightforward Superman story” though? A redux of his origin story? If they do his origin story again, please just shoot me in the head instead. For real.

Not really. The OG anime is over 1000 episodes at this point. A huge number of them are pointless filler, because that’s the era One Piece is from. The idea here is to not making people try and slog through that, go “Holy fuck, anime is not for me” because of filler episode after filler episode, and give up, but

What you’re describing doesn’t sound very fun, mate.

Keoghan just has a punchable face to a lot of people.

Ah excellent hahaha!

This is a shameful take on your part. Nobody should be eating steak dinner every night. It’s not healthy for them, and it’s incredibly destructive to the environment. The fact that you see it is a legitimate life goal speaks to a broken brain and a broken system.

Unfortunately it seems like from the video he’s only “banned” until Jan 18th.

That blew my mind.

I’m really sorry about that and yeah this is exactly the problem. David Zaslav, who hopefully will be slowly eaten by an alligator, apparently found that he could survive breaking the taboo on deleting “own brand” TV shows from existence entirely, something everyone else had been too scared/sane to do, and now it’s

Yeah it’s painful - and it’s genuinely shocking to me how many good movies I’ve seen, whether kinda big or cult classics, are just not available at all. Not for rent/sale, not streaming, and often not currently available on physical, or only available in physical on ebay or the like, for really awful prices (which

It’s not just physical - that’s my point. Stuff that could easily, trivially be made available on digital, for basically free money, is not. Sometimes stuff that is available for sale/rent, inexplicably vanishes. Sometimes stuff that’s bought and paid for gets removed - c.f. the recent Playstation idiocy.

No. You don’t need infinite energy or resources to have a society along the lines of Star Trek. That’s a childish idea. You need sufficient ones. And we have more than enough resources - this has been discussed and analyzed at great length - to ensure no-one is hungry, or homeless, or cold, or doesn’t have access to

Nah. An awful lot of movies can’t even be rented.

They had a post-money society long before replicators.

You kind of have to have the latter to get the former, because much like the Ferengi, the rich will do anything to stop the former from happening.

The billionaire class at this point is so disconnected from reality, and has such armies of paid sycophants and defenders - particularly in the political class - that’s it’s not a matter of if, only when.

Yeah people are full of shit on this, though maybe not consciously. A few years back (god close to a decade now) I was watching a friend play FO4, and it was glitchy and buggy as fuck in the area he was in, and I made a comment about all the glitches, and he just hadn’t noticed them, like at all. I pointed them out