
I mean, I sincerely hope so. I’d really like to think that a minor masterpiece like TotK outsold a not-very-good Ubisoft-style deal whose sole merit was exceptional fan service.

Kind of a lot of the games that sold best in that second chart were in the “mediocre to bad range”. That doesn’t bode very well. I mean, Hogwarts was a low-grade generic Ubisoft-style deal, this CoD sucks, all the sports games were, from the reviews I saw, not great, Diablo 4 is good but not amazing, same for Star

This just makes your bizarre decision to act like the phrase had just been made up even more bad-faith.

That’s good to hear. If they implement the same system for this, it’ll at least severely reduce people’s incentive to do this, though I do wonder if we’ll see weird situations where multiple bases occupy the same space because each reported the other and then built there.

Interestingly, no accusations of actual creep activity have ever come out for Heinlein, that I’m aware of, and the internet doesn’t seem to turn up any. It seems like his obsession with incest and finding corner-case sci-fi excuses for how it might be okay was purely confined to his mind and writing, rather than

LOL “piracy isn’t real” isn’t the response I expected, but if we’re taking that position, let’s gooooooooooooooooooo

Yeah this is why I don’t think this is going to go that great. I think they’re underestimating the sheer bloody-minded dedication to discovering everything they possibly can that xX420MAGAPigFucker2003Xx and his ilk will have. Especially when they know there’s only one planet. There will be entire country-sized

It seems very unlikely Heinlein thought McCarthy went too far until most Americans did. McCarthyism essentially died when McCarthy got censured by the Senate in 1954. Heinlein wrote Starship Troopers in 1959, and it’s, if anything, to the right of McCarthy.

Maybe he’s fine for very hard SF because he can’t absolutely fuck the shit out of that with appalling ideas. It’s more like how he approaches historical works, I think.

Unions aren’t needed if companies already take good care of their employees”

I do agree that leaning hard on the Time Lords and their society and stuff is dull and unhelpful, but having them out there, annoyed as fuck with the Doctor, was great, and really gave a wonderful context to the Doctor, which I think made the show a little bit braver than it is these days, because the Doctor was a

No. He’s far too much of a luvvie to do that, as I said in my other post. He acts super-chummy with all the other writers (despite some alleged big fights, they all seem to patch things up terribly quickly if he’s involved). That makes him a nice person, but it’s bad for Who lore, because absolute shite like the



It’s not a lie, and calling that just makes you a profoundly dishonest person. It’s a simple fact that they took the art without permission, and often from behind stuff that supposed to prevent automated systems from scraping that, and often even behind very explicit TOSes which said that art couldn’t be used

I give it a 90% chance of being essentially a high-budget, appallingly-written, humourless and staid take on the 1990s comics where basically exactly what has been described happened.

“if showrunners start retconning each other, the show will dissolve in a pile of weak shit”

Moffat at least tried to bring back the Time Lords to potentially allow the Doctor to be contextualized by them being annoying and officious and so on, whereas he actually helped, but Chibnall didn’t just cut that off, he went to huge lengths to burn what Moffat had created to prevent anyone using it in future.

I disagree re: “everything with the Timelords”. I feel like your contradict your own point with Romana, and I agree with that part. You need some other Timelords, and the Timelords to exist to contextualize the Doctor, otherwise he becomes a much more grandiose and frankly rather more boring and meaningless figure.

I feel like you haven’t played Jurassic Park: Trespasser, Jerykk, and that you’re instead spewing a list of generic criticisms which you feel should apply to a game from that era. Especially “poor level design”.